A Roux of Revenge

A Roux of Revenge by Connie Archer

Book: A Roux of Revenge by Connie Archer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Connie Archer
was right. She was angry. She was jealous, and no doubt with good reason. She hadn’t misread Paula’s intent that day in his office—the strange woman’s familiaritywith him. Lucky was certain Paula had designs on Elias, a desire to renew their past relationship, for whatever reason. She was certain of it.
    It wasn’t that Elias had actually done anything unforgiveable. She didn’t believe he had. It was just that in all the time they had been together, he had never even mentioned a prior important relationship. What else hadn’t he mentioned over the pasteight months? She took a deep breath. Her blood pressure was probably rising, and she hadn’t even crawled out of bed. In fairness to Elias, she had never actually asked about his love life before they were together. In truth, because she didn’t want to know. She was well aware she had been falling deeply in love over the past months. She wanted to leave the past unspoken. She had had boyfriendsin college and after, and never felt any of her relationships or friendships worth mentioning to him. They simply weren’t important anymore. What was significant was the fact that this striking, educated, urbane woman who had sat so close to Elias in his office the day before had actually been heavily involved with him. And now she would be working with him every day.
    Lucky wanted to cry.She felt a heaviness in her chest. No matter how she covered up her feelings, the fact remained that Elias couldn’t help comparing the two women. And she, Lucky, would definitely be found wanting. She wasn’t sophisticated. Pretty, yes, in a girl-next-door sort of way, but highly educated, no. Involved in the same profession? No. She ran a restaurant. A restaurant in a small town. How could she possiblycompete with the glamorous, accomplished Dr. Paula Sarens?
    She knew she had to stop obsessing about the situation with Elias. There were other things to take care of this morning, getting her apartment to herself again for example. As much as she loved Janie and didn’t really mind the fact that Janie was staying with her for a few days, the breach between Janie and her mother needed to behealed. This couldn’t go on forever. It was time to have a real heart-to-heart with Miriam Leonard.
    • • •
    M IRIAM SAT AT the kitchen table, nervously wringing her hands. Her eyes were rimmed with red. She had obviously been crying on a regular basis. Her face was swollen, and now she was doing her best to maintain some semblance of control. Two cups of coffee were on the table along witha pitcher of cream and a sugar bowl. Miriam sat, stirring her coffee. She stared into the mocha-colored mixture for several minutes, lost in thought.
    “Janie told me,” Lucky spoke.
    Miriam looked up quickly. Her hands started to shake.
    “In all fairness, I more or less pried it out of her. I hope you’ll forgive me, but I just had to get to the bottom of it. I couldn’t watch her sulk andcarry on needlessly.”
    “There’s no need to apologize.” Miriam took a shaky breath. “You had every right, Lucky. I’m sure it’s been a burden on you, having her there.”
    “No burden. But I wish she’d talk to you. I’m sure it’s breaking your heart.”
    Tears sprang to Miriam’s eyes. “You have no idea. I’m sure you’ll think I’m foolish, but I really never thought this day would come. That mypast would come knocking on my door so to speak. She caught me in a vulnerable moment; otherwise, I never would have told her. You see, the other day, I found an envelope in my mailbox. A blank envelope, nothing written on it at all, and inside was a forget-me-not. You know those little blue flowers with the yellow centers. It was from him. He must have left it. Only he would know about that flower.He knows where I live—where Janie lives. Her father . . .” Miriam hesitated. “Janie’s father has found us and . . . well, he must know that she’s his daughter.” She laughed ruefully.

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