A Simple Song

A Simple Song by Melody Carlson

Book: A Simple Song by Melody Carlson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melody Carlson
Tags: FIC053000, JUV033010
have to forgive you if you apologize and repent.”
    â€œThen you could get baptized and join the church,” Cal told her. “I would even get baptized with you. That would make our parents very happy.”
    â€œI don’t know . . .” Katrina turned to look at her friend and brother. Couldn’t they see how crazy this plan was? Had they all lost their minds?
    â€œYou’ve seen how much everyone at the group singing loves your music,” Cal continued. Even in the dim lamplight of the carriage, she could see the longing in her brother’s eyes. He was just as concerned about Daed and the situation with the farm as she was. “When you sing those story songs, Katrina, everyone really listens to you. I’ve watched their faces. I honestly believe it changes how they think about things. In a good way.”
    â€œThat’s true,” Cooper said. “That first night—when you sang the tin soldier song—it was like being in church, only better.”
    Katrina didn’t even know how to respond to that, but it touched her deeply. She promised her friends that she would think about trying out. “I’ll pray about it too,” she said as they dropped her and Cal off at their house. And that was exactly what she intended to do. She would pray, God would say no, and that would be the end of it.

    Daed’s back was worse than ever on Sunday morning. The whole house was awakened even before the sun came up by the sound of him shrieking so loudly it seemed as if he were dying. Katrina wondered if pain could actually kill a person.
    â€œI will stay here with Daed,” she told Mamm as they finished breakfast. “You need a break.”
    â€œOne of the boys will stay too,” Mamm said, “in case he needs help. He’s too heavy for you.”
    â€œI’ll stay,” Cal offered quickly.
    Mamm turned to Katrina. “Daed said he didn’t want breakfast, but I want him to take one of those pills Dr. Warner prescribed, and he should have food with it.”
    â€œI’ll take him up some oatmeal and applesauce,” Katrina assured her.
    â€œ Ja , that would be good. The pills are in the cupboard next to the spices. Thank you.”
    As the others were leaving for church, Katrina was hurrying upstairs with Daed’s breakfast and the bottle of pills. She knew the pills were for pain and very strong. She also knew Daed detested them. However, hearing him groaningdown the hallway convinced her she might be able to persuade him.
    â€œDaed?” she called out as she knocked on his door. “Breakfast.”
    His answer was a loud groan.
    She pushed open the door with her elbow. “I know you’re feeling poorly,” she said as she set the tray on the dresser. “But Mamm says you need to eat. And you need to take a pill.”
    â€œNot hungry,” he said stubbornly.
    â€œAw, come on now, Daed.” She put her hands on her hips and looked down at him. Was it just her imagination, or had he aged a lot in the past few weeks? His hair, which was sticking out all over, was streaked with gray. Even his beard seemed faded. And his face was ashen—so much so that it sent a chill through her. This was serious. She opened the bottle and removed a pill, holding it before him with a glass of water. “Daed, you know this pill will help with the pain.”
    â€œDon’t want it.”
    â€œDaed.” She held it out before him with her sternest expression. “Please, take your medicine!”
    Daed actually blinked in surprise now, and despite his grimace, he almost seemed to be amused. But to her relief, he took the pill and popped it into his mouth, wincing as he reached for the water.
    â€œThank you, Daed.” She took the glass from him when he had finished. “Now you need some oatmeal to go with it.”
    â€œNot hungry.”
    â€œI made it just how you like it, with applesauce and

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