A Toiling Darkness
used in this realm to
blend in. Just like me in a way. If someone was powerful enough,
they could see the Fae as they really were. The fact that his two
forms were overlapping each other only showed that we were probably
on par power-wise. I would have to try harder to see his true form
clearly. From what I could see though, his skin was alabaster white
with thin dark blue hair that shimmered with his human light brown
curls. His eyes were big, blue and vast, and tiny blue lips hid
behind his human lips that were still small, just longer. He
reminded me of a frost giant and I wouldn’t be surprised if he was
a descendant.
    The other one was a plump warlock who tried
to hide in the shadows. The man was short, his presence not
important. He didn’t even leave an impression. He didn’t seem that
powerful. The only thing interesting about him was the gleam in his
dark eyes. He had some serious secrets and knowledge in them. It
was tempting to try to dig inside of him and see what I could find.
Lucky for him, I was more interested in the Fae Kay was keeping
    When they noticed my approach, Kay beamed
with delight while the other two glanced around, making sure it
really was me. Their expressions looked like I forced a lemon down
their throat.
    “Ah, Darkness! Welcome back to my humble
abode.” He stood up and I braced myself for his affections. He
lifted me up like a parent would his child. I kept myself as
relaxed as possible, refusing to let him know how much I didn’t
like his touch. He knew I didn’t like it; which was why he did it.
It was his way of showing his disapproval of my form.
    I don’t like this, Akhlys. You’re running
away by doing this.
    Then let me. Just for a little while. I need
this, Kay. Please, help me.
    Ugh. Every time I see him I’m reminded of
memories I’m still not ready to unbury. I stared into those hazel
eyes and wondered why he even helped me create this form. He was
never really clear about it.
    Kay’s body dripped magic just like Kalen’s
blade did. The affects of the excess magic turned his body into a
furnace. His very touch could burn someone if they angered him
enough. Right now his touch was similar to simmering water as he
spun me around.
    He finally put me down, laughing and taking
a good look at me. The other two were standing up respectfully. The
Fae stood to his right, his eyes frosty blue. The impression his
eyes gave me was the kind of ice that didn’t melt unless he wanted
it too. It was a little enchanting. Usually people like to make
references to warm summer skies when someone has blue eyes like
his, but there was no warmth in them. It made me wonder if his eyes
were always like that or was it just me.
    I stared at the fae curiously as Kay settled
back into his chair. The being was taller than Kay but he stood in
a submissive manner, his shoulders slumped and head tilted
respectfully with his eyes downcast. The other lackey just kept
himself in the background, definitely being shady and skittish, but
still respectful to Kay.
    Everyone was respectful to him. Even after
he killed hundreds simply for wanting to test out some kind of
Fae-enchanted ring he took from a child. Humans took candy from
children, Kay took heirlooms.
    “Lord Kay, care to introduce me to your
companions?” I asked.
    “Of course, this is Frey.” He pointed to the
Fae and I smiled. Frey winced, not looking happy at all at being
introduced to me.
    Kay nodded towards the other man. I
retracted the shadows he kept himself in and his eyes bugged out in
response. “This shy little fellow is Devon. He just moved into the
city.” Kay frowned at him before turning back to me.
    “Now that the pleasantries are over, why, my
dear, are you here?” Kay asked, relaxing into his throne-like chair
made of all kinds of minerals and gems. He once told me the chair
helped him with his magic, and after watching it absorb an attack
by a vicious witch and sending the spell back to her, I believed

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