A Toiling Darkness
“She did it.”
    I sighed and looked away, tired now.
    “Just stay away from her. It’s the best
advice we can give you. She’s bad news, man. Bad news,” Chris spoke
up, his voice going all dramatic.
    “I’m not going to condemn her just because
of rumors.”
    “Just know that these rumors will keep you
    I nodded, not so much as in agreement, but
more like an acknowledgement.
    They really didn’t believe I was agreeing
with them, but they didn’t press the issue.
    Chris let go of Tracy’s hand and stepped
    “Listen. How about we get Tracy settled into
a hotel and then I’ll help you with something. I need to return the
favor. You saved us back there.”
    “Are you sure?” I asked.
    “Yeah, I’m sure. Besides, I’ve lived here
for a few years. I’m sure there’s something I can help you
    I nodded. This could work. He could probably
point me in the right direction at least. I know a being was
involved with that little girl’s death at the park. I just didn’t
know how to start looking. My gut was telling me I was right with
these thoughts.
    Now if it would just tell me where Akhlys
was. Then I could be free from these shackles around my soul. I
could feel their bite on my skin, their weight holding me down.
    Where are you? Who are you?

Chapter 6:
    I needed information and what better person
to go see than a being just as powerful as I am in my real form. He
made it a business to always know what was going on in the world.
Unfortunately, said powerful being was Kay and could be real jerk
when he wanted to be. But he would know Kalen’s master. He knew
everyone. Of course he only worked at night to cater to all beings
for his little underground business, so today was as good as a time
as any to visit.
    The hotel he owned was officially closed—no
naïve little humans around. Or gluttonous little beings who Kay
would never grace with his presence. Unofficially, Kay was meeting
with some of his special guests, probably to plan for the annual
tournament that was going to take place next week. I got an
invitation for it over a month ago and sent it right back to him
the second I got it.
    I tried to get excited about going to see
him. I just couldn’t. Not when he was the reason I was branded. It
was just a little grudge against him. I swear. Something I’ll get
over…just not today or in the next thousand years or so.
    It really didn’t help that the Consort even
had the nerve to banish me from parts of Europe in an attempt to
stop the rumors that were spreading around. Since I have yet to be
back to Norway since the banishment, I should only be a legend now,
passed down through stories around the campfire or to make children
behave. That was a bit of an insult. I never touched children and
Kay was the one to make them sick in that village. I still resent
him for the whole incident. I liked Norway.
    So yeah…just a little grudge.
    When night fell, I went directly to Lord
Kay’s little business in the middle of the red light district. They
called it Salacity Hotel. It was the place to go if you were a
powerful being. And it was the perfect place for those that longed
for anything and everything, from more power, to prestige, to
passion, and hunger. The clients hang out, get the latest gossip
and feast on whatever their hearts desired. The location made it
rather easy for hookers, drug addicts, and homeless people to
disappear for those who wanted some fine dining. The area was
nearly forgotten by the police. They only ever swing by when they
wanted information from one of their snitches. Even then, their
visits were only minutes long and they turned a blind eye to
everything they saw. They wouldn’t want to disappear like the other
do-gooder cops.
    The building itself was dark and cold, and
not for the weak. At least for beings, it wasn’t for the weak.
Humans just didn’t know better to realize the risk they take every
time they step into the building. The

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