A Wedding in Red Creek: Rori and Jackson (The Sons of Dusty Walker Book 9)

A Wedding in Red Creek: Rori and Jackson (The Sons of Dusty Walker Book 9) by Randi Alexander

Book: A Wedding in Red Creek: Rori and Jackson (The Sons of Dusty Walker Book 9) by Randi Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: Randi Alexander
a dream
and a hope. Now, with our future as bright as the promise of sunlight and
moonbeams, I take you to be my life's partner. I will care for you, honor and
love you. I will never leave you nor forsake you, and as much as you will let
me…” She smiled and gave him a wink. “I will spend all my days at your side.”
    A few people laughed softly, but he vowed right then to
never leave her lonely.
    She took a breath. “Whatever lies ahead, we will face it
together, and when we look to each other first, we will always see a friend, a
lover, and a home.” Her face broke, and she took a second, then blinked back
tears. “Jackson, look to me, your wife, for all the days to come.”
    He could barely keep the lump in his throat from becoming a
crying jag. She warmed his heart and filled his soul.
    The sound of multiple sniffles came from the guests, and
Stanley Benner cleared his throat. “Jackson, you have vows to make to Rori?”
    Jackson tightened his jaw and took a deep breath. He could
do this without breaking down. “Rori, as I look at you, I see all the things
that attracted me to you the day we met. When I think of what made me fall in
love with you, your beauty and poise shine brightly, but your intelligence,
your caring, and your patience are the greatest part of the magic that makes
you perfect for me.
    “We have each traveled different roads to get here, and I
promise to make new paths for us to follow. I promise to love you more each new
day than I did the day before. You will always be the best part of my life.
    “Today I give you my hand to hold, my life to share, and my
heart to keep. I’m finally puttin’ down roots, my love, and from this day on we
will never walk alone. For us, darlin’, the best is yet to come.”
    She bit her trembling lips and her eyes gleamed with tears,
but she staunchly kept them from flowing. Strong yet lovingly soft, this woman
was everything he could have asked for.
    “Wedding rings are an unbroken circle of love, signifying to
all the union of this couple in marriage.” The attorney gestured to Jackson,
who pulled his ring for Rori out of his pocket and presented her with a band of
alternating square rubies and clear diamonds that he’d had made by a jeweler in
Oregon. She gasped as he slid it on her finger. When she smiled at him, he knew
he’d gotten it right. She loved red, and it looked just right next to her
engagement ring.
    Benner handed Rori a ring. Wide gold, it had horseshoes made
of little diamonds all the way around it. Jackson had to hold back a laugh.
“Perfect,” he whispered. It fit just right, and reminded him of his past, while
showing him his lucky future with this magnificent woman.
    The attorney spoke a few more legal paragraphs, then held up
his hands. “I now pronounce you husband and wife.” The attorney cocked his
head. “Go on and kiss her, Jackson. I know you’ve been waiting for this.”
    Jackson stepped closer and took Rori in his arms. She flung
her arms around his neck and held on as he tipped her just a little and kissed
her until they were both breathless.
    “Ladies and gentlemen, may I be the first to present Mr. and
Mrs. Walker.”
    Everyone cheered and Jackson slowed the kiss, pulling her
upright, and turning them to face their friends and family. “Let’s do some
    The pop of champagne bottles sounded and Marliss directed
the catering team to carry trays of tall, bubbling flutes to everyone present.
Rogue made the first toast, Simon the second, and Jackson and Rori greeted and
chatted and mingled until supper was announced.
    The big table had been stretched by the addition of leaves,
and everyone fit around to enjoy the three-course meal. Each time he looked at
Rori, she stared back, mirroring the same surprised look he’d had on his face
all evening.
    A small local band began playing in the living room, and
Jackson stood, holding out his hand for his wife. “May I have this dance,
    “I’d be

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