A Wizard of the White Council
want to remember my own past most of the time. But we’ll have to tell her.”
    “She won’t listen to us,” said Allard. “She thinks we’re stalkers.” 
    “Well, we’ll make her listen,” said Regent.
    “Why not talk to her parents?”
    Regent froze. “What?” 
    Allard stammered. “Um…well…from what you’ve told me, her parents know. They’ve never told her the truth about herself, right? Or to Lithon?”
    “Go on.”
    “We could let them know just how much danger they’re in. Then they could tell her. Maybe she’d even work with us. We could take her someplace safe.”
    Regent remained silent.
    Allard groaned. “It’s a bad idea, isn’t it?”
    Regent laughed. “Not by half. Sometimes you surprise even me.” He sighed. “We’ll talk to the parents, but not quite yet.” He stared off into space. “They’ll be rather surprised to see me.”

Chapter 6 - A Rescue
    Anno Domini 2012

    Night fell as Arran hurried back to the sunken woods where he had made his camp, thinking over his encounter with the winged demon driving the black van. 
    He had been right – one of the United States’ rulers had made an agreement with Marugon. Or had Marugon raised the man to power? No matter. Tomorrow Arran would begin his hunt. He would ask about this Senator Wycliffe and his associate Kurkov. With luck he could learn more about them. 
    A new question rose in Arran’s mind. What had happened to Lithon and this unknown girl after they had arrived on Earth? Had they had gone through the door marked with Marugon’s sigil? It likely led to Senator Wycliffe’s citadel. And Wycliffe would have turned the children over to Marugon.
    Arran shook his head. Speculation would only drive him mad. He needed more facts. But he did know that Wycliffe consorted with Marugon and winged demons.
    If Arran found Wycliffe, he would kill him on sight.
    Arran approached the large white house as a blue jeep pulled into the driveway, its lights flashing over the lawn. Arran caught a glimpse of three men leaning against the garage. 
    Curious, he came to a stop, taking care to remain unseen. 
    The blue jeep came to a shuddering stop, and the old woman with the thick braid he had seen yesterday climbed out. The men stepped out of the shadows of garage and approached her. All of them wore masks that left only their eyes and mouths uncovered.
    “Thieves,” muttered Arran. 
    He hurried forward. 
    The old woman stopped. “Might I ask,” she said coldly, “what you are doing in my driveway?”
    “Yeah, you can ask,” said the man, “and I’ll answer. Your purse, your car keys, your house keys, now.”
    The old woman turned to run, but another of the men circled behind her. The lead thug reached into his jacket and pulled out a gun. “Don’t even think about screaming. Or running.” He jerked his head at one of the other men. “Tie her up and tape up her mouth.”
    One of the men slammed the old woman against the car, his hand clamping over her mouth. Her eyes widened and she kicked the thief in the stomach. He growled and slammed her again. “Damn it, just shoot the bitch…”
    Arran’s hands worked in smooth motions as he loaded one of his pistols. These men were no different than Marugon’s soldiers, murderers and thieves and rabble. 
    Arran stepped out of the shadows and leveled his gun. “Let her go now or I’ll kill you all.”
    The thug with the gun turned. “Who the hell…”
    “A witness!” said the thug holding the woman. “Kill him, quick…”
    The thug raised his gun, but Arran was faster. The thief screamed as Arran’s bullet exploded his hand in spray of blood and bone. The second thug lunged at Arran, a knife flashing in his hand, and Arran shot him in both knees. The third thief released the woman and ran for the street, at least until Arran shot him in the back of the leg. The thug shrieked and fell to the ground, writhing. 
    Arran considered killing all three of them. Then again,

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