Amish Country Arson
the rest of this talk
wait until morning?”
    Hal smiled and kissed John's cheek. “Jah, we
can talk more about goats tomorrow. Go to sleep.”

Chapter 6
    The following day at breakfast, John and Jim
talked about the fire that wiped out most of Rudy Briskey's corn
shocks. John said Jim and he should drive over and check out the
damage. He'd like to hear from Rudy if the sheriff investigated yet
and had an idea how the fire started.
    Hal laid her fork on her plate as she added,
“I really should go along to help Martha with the house
    “ Gute idea. Amos said it will be a
chore for her to get rid of the smoke smell in the whole house,”
John said.
    “ I can go along and help if that's all
right. Three of us will get done faster than two,” Nora said. “How
about you, Tootie? Want to go with us to clean the
    “ I don't do well in smoky places with
my bad breathing.” Aunt Tootie put her hand over her mouth to cover
a weak cough. “Besides, my legs are sore from the rooster bites.
How about I stay here with the girls?”
    “ Sounds gute to me,” Hal agreed. “They
don't need to be in that smoke, either.”
    Later when John drove by Rudy Briskey's burnt
cornfield, he shook his head. “What a waste is that.”
    “ It is,” Jim agreed.
    “ How could anyone think it was a fun
game to start fires like this,” Hal declared.
    “ Someone who is sick,” Jim said simply
as John parked by the house.
    Rudy came out of the barn to greet them.
“Wilcom. Get down. It is nice to see you. What brings you here this
fine day?”
    Hal climbed down and picked up her cleaning
basket from the back. “Gute Morgen, Rudy. Mom and I are going to
help Martha. Come on, Mom. Let's get Martha's house back in order.”
She rushed her mother away from the men, knowing that Rudy would
delay them if he thought about selling her that goat.
    Martha came out on the porch with a broom in
her hand. “Wilcom, but you might not want to come into my smoky
    “ That's exactly where we're headed,”
Hal said, smiling. “Mom and I want to help you clean.”
    Martha held the door for them. “That is very
kind of you. I would appreciate the help.”
    The ladies divided up the cleaning detail.
Hal washed the windows on the outside while Nora washed the inside
glasses. Martha had scrubbed the floors before they got there, and
now she started washing the gray smudge off the walls.
    While Hal and Nora washed all the pots, pans
and dishes, Martha cooked their lunch. By the time John, Jim and
Rudy came in, the women were ready to sit down and almost too tired
to eat.
    That afternoon while the women finished
washing the walls, Martha said to Hal, “You plan on cooking
molasses this fall?”
    “ Jah, the boys mowed the grass at Sugar
Camp this morning. This afternoon they're cutting a stack of wood
to burn under the vat. After that, we will be ready to start,” Hal
    “ You let me know when you are ready. I
will help cook the molasses for your help here,” Martha told
    “ That is nice of you to offer, but
stirring over the vat is such a hot job. If you help, you can share
the molasses,” Hal told her.
    The afternoon flew by. By the time, the Lapp
family was ready to go home Martha's house was smelling much
    Rudy and Martha walked to the buggy with
them. Rudy cleared his throat to get their attention. “Nurse Hal,
have you decided about getting a milk goat yet. I have one penned
up in the barn for you to look at.”
    Hal glanced at John. “I left it up to John to
    “ So you really want to get a goat,
Hal?” John just remembered the sleepy conversation he'd had with
    “ Only if you think she will be useful
in the spring when I need milk for the lambs,” Hal said not wanting
to seem pushy.
    “ I penned one up in the barn. You are
wilcom to look at her. I will give you a gute deal on her for
helping Martha,” Rudy said.
    “ Sure enough, we can look at this
goat,” John

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