Badland Bride
oak—always had.
    Skeeter lifted his gaze, to meet the dark eyes he knew would be condemning him. Startled, he looked deeper into Kid's eyes. They were full of compassion, not critical at all. He frowned. Then a twitch tried to pull his lip into a grin.
    Jessie had worked her magic on Kid. The little slip of a girl, he—Skeeter, had hauled home and forced Kid to marry, had turned his brother into a real human being. If his life wasn't in such disarray he may have chuckled at the transformation.
    Kid raised an eyebrow.
    The smile tugging hard on his lips slipped from his face as he recalled the predicament at hand. In twenty-three years he'd never thought of a woman the way he thought of Lila. Had never been willing to do whatever it would take to protect her. He took a deep breath, and thankful his brother was here to help said, “Damn, Kid, you could of knocked me over with a feather when she told me she was gonna have a baby."
    "I know the feeling,” Kid said with a deep laugh. “That's exactly how I felt when Jessie told me. Still feel that way some days."
    A twinge, somewhat like regret touched his heart. Skeeter breathed past the pang. “The baby isn't mine, Kid.” He shook his head. “Lila and I haven't...well you know."
    Kid bit his lower lip as he nodded.
    He'd rather die than have Kid think badly of Lila. “A man raped her, and...ah hell, Kid, it's hard to explain."
    Stepping away from the rail, Kid pulled up a chair. “Well, Skeeter, I'm here to listen."
    He couldn't tell Kid Lila was from the future, couldn't tell him Buffalo Killer's ghost dance had turned him into a ghost. He'd never believe it, no one would. Yet, he had to help Lila. She was so sweet and innocent and didn't deserve to be treated badly. He turned to his brother. “I think I'm in love with her."
    Skeeter felt his eyes bulge as the words emitted. Where had they come from? Hell, he didn't even know what love was, and certainly had no idea what being in love meant. Or did he? Had he made the discovery two days ago when he awoke? From the moment he'd met her, his life had changed. His thoughts, feelings...everything was different. A good kind of different.
    Kid rubbed his chin. “And?"
    As long as he was being completely honest, he might as well tell all. “And I want to marry her. Buffalo Killer might steal her if I don't. I asked her.” His shoulders drooped. “But she doesn't want to marry me."
    "Has she said why?"
    He nodded.
    After an extended amount of time Kid said, “Skeeter, a few years ago I probably would have carried that girl out of here, as far from you and this family as possible, pregnant or not. But that was before Jessie, and before I really got to know you. You're a good man, an honest, upright citizen, one I like knowing is on my side every day.” He reached over and laid a hand on Skeeter's shoulder. “I can't help you if you aren't going to tell me what's going on. I need the whole story."
    It felt as if he'd been riding in the wind all day and fine grains of sand had embedded themselves in his eyeballs. He blinked at the stinging, tried to swallow the stump in his throat. He lowered his head, shaking it from side to side. “Kid, you won't believe it. No one will."
    "Try me, brother.” Kid's grip on his shoulder tightened. “You can trust me. I trusted you with my life, and you didn't let me down."
    Skeeter twisted, looked deep into the honest, sincere eyes of his brother. A warm sense of camaraderie filled his body. If anyone could help it would be Kid. Kid Quinter never let anyone down. His shoulders squared at the next thought. He was ready, and willing, to follow in his brother's footsteps.
    Lila sat on the edge of the bed. She'd wrung her hands together until her knuckles hurt. She lifted her gaze as the latch sounded and watched the door to the room open.
    Jessie entered carrying a cup and saucer. “Here.” Holding them out, she added, “Its tea. How are you feeling?"
    "Awful,” Lila

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