Being Julia (A Forever Novella)

Being Julia (A Forever Novella) by Sandi Lynn Page B

Book: Being Julia (A Forever Novella) by Sandi Lynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandi Lynn
said as he looked at Jake.
    “Daddy!” I exclaimed.
    “You wouldn’t happen to be William Jensen’s son, would you?”
    “Yes, sir. He’s my dad.” Jake smiled.
    “Ah, I knew it. Jake’s father owns the largest dealership in the city, where I buy my Range Rovers. I’ve been buying from your father for years.”
    “Mr. Black, that’s right. I’ve heard your name before. You own Black Enterprises. My dad talks about you.”
    “All good, I hope.”
    “Of course.” Jake smiled.
    Okay, this was perfect. My dad knew Jake’s dad and he seemed to really like him. I couldn’t have asked for this meeting to be more perfect.
    “You and Julia have already met,” my dad said.
    “What? How?” I asked.
    “Back when you were about eight years old and I bought a new Range Rover. You wanted to come with me to the dealership and Jake was there. He was sitting behind his father’s desk. The dealership had a playroom and your father asked you to take Julia and show her the toys while we went over the numbers for the purchase.”
    “See, I told you I felt like we’d met before,” Jake said as he smiled at me.
    I wished I would have remembered that, but I didn’t. Jake and my dad continued to talk while my mom pulled me into the living room.
    “Oh my God, Julia. He’s hot.” She smiled.
    “He took my breath away, Mom.”
    “Sweetheart.” She smiled as she put her hand on the side of my face. “I don’t know what to say except ‘be careful.’”
    I smiled at her as she placed her arm around me and we walked back into the kitchen. Jake turned around and flashed me a smile.
    “Mr. Black, would it be all right with you and Mrs. Black if I took Julia on a date?”
    I looked at my mom and she was grinning from ear to ear. My dad looked at me and then back at Jake before giving his answer.
    “Yes, Jake. You may take my daughter on a date.” He smiled as he put his hand on Jake’s shoulder.
    Jake walked over to me as his amazing green eyes stared into mine. “Julia, I know we’ve only known each other a couple of hours, but I was hoping you would do me the honor of going on a date with me tomorrow night.”
    I was so excited that I wanted to scream “yes!” and jump up and down, but I remained calm and smiled at him as I nodded my head and told him yes. He continued to smile at me as he nodded his head like he was happy with my answer. The fact that he asked my parents first scored him big points. As the guests were starting to leave, Jake said that he should get going. When I walked him down to the beach, he pulled his phone from his pocket and asked me for my number. I gave it to him and he told me that he’d text me so that I would have his.
    “Goodnight, Julia Black. I’m looking forward to our date tomorrow night. How about I pick you up around seven o’clock?”
    “Seven o’clock is perfect.” I smiled.
    He leaned closer to me, kissed me lightly on the cheek, and began to walk away. I called his name and he turned around. I put my hand up and gave him a small wave.
    “Goodnight, Jake Jensen.” I smiled.
    “Sweet dreams, Julia,” he said as he turned back and walked down the beach.
    I said goodbye to the last guest and closed the door. I leaned up against it and sighed. My mom walked over to me and smiled.
    “What a great party, but I’m glad it’s over.”
    “Me too, Mom. Thank you for everything.”
    “Aw, you’re welcome, sweetheart,” she said as she hugged me.
    I went upstairs and started a hot bath. I twisted my hair up, set my phone on the edge of the tub, and climbed in. I slid down until my head rested comfortably on the bath pillow. As I closed my eyes, the sweet smile of Jake Jensen filled my head. I couldn’t help but think of his almost six foot height and his light brown, tousled hair, which made him even sexier. The shape of his lips and the smile that came from them. A smile that made his green eyes light up and captivate me when he looked into mine. As I was dreaming

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