The Last Stand (Book 3) (The Repentant Demon Trilogy)

The Last Stand (Book 3) (The Repentant Demon Trilogy) by Samantha Johns

Book: The Last Stand (Book 3) (The Repentant Demon Trilogy) by Samantha Johns Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Johns
fact, it was only the realization that her Sunshine had been given back to her that made her even consider the notion that she may have been wrong to turn away from God; that he had blessed her in spite of herself.
    They finished their late lunch, stopped back at the religious goods store to pick up Cal's gift, and made it to Highway 191 by five-thirty.  Abigail kept a keen eye out for buffalo as she drove.
    “We're actually pretty far from where the buffalo roam,” said Uma, “I'll bet that one you encountered had escaped from a nearby ranch.  They raise them out here just like beef cattle. ”
    “He wasn't afraid of us, that's for sure,” said Abigail, leery of the dusky sky ahead of them, “and I just have this feeling that he's out there watching for us, even though we're in a different car.”
    She saw something on the road ahead of her, but it wasn't a buffalo.  It was flashing red lights blaring and coming toward her at increasing speed.  Two dark-colored SUV's that looked very familiar.  As they approached her going the opposite direction, the driver motioned for her to pull over.  The two vehicles swerved around in the middle of the highway then quickly surrounded Abigail’s car, one behind while the other came up in front of her.  A uniformed serviceman got out and approached her window.
    “Are you Abigail Callahan?” he shouted, with a gun pointed at her.  When she answered affirmatively, he asked, “Are you safe?”  She nodded again.  He peeked inside the back, seeing nothing but stacked packages, most of it baby equipment.
    “We will escort you back to camp,” he said, smiling, “Hope we didn't alarm you, Ma'am.”
    She pulled back onto the highway, following the officer at breakneck speed and arriving through the gates to find an ambulance waiting.  Cal, Brady, Mike, Nathan, and Agent Foley all stood outside awaiting their arrival which had been preceded with much fanfare.  They heard the ambulance siren and witnessed the guards opening gates to the compound as the parade of vehicles entered.  Abigail got out of her car quickly and raced toward Cal, but Agent Foley stopped her with a raised hand.
    “Don't touch anyone until you've been examined by medical professionals,” he said.  “Hopefully, this won't take long and will prove to be erring on the side of caution.
    Two men in hazmat suits waved the wands of a radiation detector over both Abigail and Uma.  The two passed the test, and things became a little more relaxed.
    “What's going on?” Abigail called to the group watching from a safe distance.
    “There's been a biological attack on fifteen cities that we know of,” Cal called back.  “The substances vary.  Ricin and cyanide mostly, but we don't know how it was released yet.”
    “Did you eat or drink anything while in town?” asked Agent Foley.
    “Yes, we had lunch at a small cafe,” answered Abigail.  “We feel fine, though.”
    “We need you to undergo some tests,” he said, “but you can go home as soon as we collect blood and urine samples.  Your husbands can drive you to the medical facility, wait while we do our job, and then take you home.”
    Angel started yipping from Brady's arms.  He had been dog-sitting since both Cal and Abigail had been away on errands.  As soon as Cal arrived back, that's when the news broke. 
    Uma climbed to get into the jeep with Brady while Cal, holding Angel, took the driver’s seat in Abigail's car.  They all drove through the woods to the facility inside the mountain about two miles down a gravel road.  Abigail noticed as she made a U-turn parking that the huge entrance gates hidden by foliage were now closed behind them.  It has begun , she thought approaching the enormous metal doors imbedded into the hillside.  Only Cal, and Abigail briefly that very morning, had ever been inside this place.
    An elevator nearby took them down to the third

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