Dark Lightning

Dark Lightning by Janet Woods

Book: Dark Lightning by Janet Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janet Woods
Tags: fantasy romance
her,’ he shouted, his heart pounding.
     Instead, Laek drew out his sword. ‘Release her, I said!’
    The weapon spun from his hand into Lord Kavan’s. When the warrior lord gave a big booming laugh thunder rumbled in the distance. ‘You would take me on, mortal, and with this sword? It wouldn’t cut through a candle wick.’
    Which wasn’t exactly true, Laek thought.
    Tighe’s voice intruded into his mind, weak and from a distance. Stop trying to prove yourself, Laek. You can’t beat him because he has no substance, and you’re killing me ... trust me ... trust him. Do as he says, and Jynx will be all right. I’m bleeding energy trying to keep her safe as well as you.’
    Laek fell to his knees. Now was not the time to lose two friends he loved. Kavan was in front of him then. His flight pawed at the lake and made soft snuffling sounds. A hand came down on each of Laek’s shoulders. ‘Good, Kavan said. ‘You’re no coward if you were willing to take me on, but you listen to sense when it’s offered. Laek’s body grew in strength, and his mind in resolve as Kavan’s hold strengthened on his shoulder.
    A woman’s laughter tinkled and he opened his eyes and saw Jynx in the moon’s reflection. Arms outstretched, she had a single black flame on her palm, and tossed it back and forth between her hands. She was with a man, strong and lean of body. His eyes said nothing, but the smile he gave Jynx was intimate as he took the flame from her and threw it into the sky. Laek didn’t know his face, yet he seemed familiar. When the flame changed into a star Jynx clapped her hands.
     Laek heaved a sigh of relief that she was safe, and gazed up at the warrior lord. ‘You’ve spared her, and for that I thank you.’
    ‘It was a trick, nothing more. She didn’t feel a thing. Why would I want to harm the maid, when she’s descended from the fair Tiana, a woman I loved beyond life? Besides, she has a powerful protection around her.’
    Laek felt foolish when Kavan smiled and leaped astride his flight. The spirit’s image began to fade. ‘Walk in my memory son of my blood. I have left you a gift, a sword tempered in the fire of the gods. It’s the sword of justice, and will serve you as long as you serve it.’
    ‘Wait! There’s much I want to ask you.’
     ‘There is nothing I can tell you. Fate made Azarine chose me from the gene bank for a reason. You must forge the path destiny has made for you. Now, see to your mystic. He’s exhausted himself and can no longer lift himself from the water.’
     ‘Tighe!’ Laek saw his friend floating face down. He dropped into the water, slid an arm under Tighe’s shoulder and swam back to shore with him. Laying him on his back he applied pressure to expel the water from his body.
    Throwing him over his shoulders Laek then climbed up to the cave, and laid him on his mattress. He placed his palm against Tighe’s heart, gradually encouraging his ragged heartbeat towards normality before gently slapping his face.
    Tighe groaned and opened his eyes. ‘That was close.’
    There was no sign of Lord Kavan but Laek felt his strength inside him. That a man should have such a splendid blood father ... his mother had chosen the best. Pride bubbled up inside him like water in a well. He grinned, wondering if the man could read his thoughts. He’d meant, of course, that a father should be proud to have a son such as himself.
    His legs shot out from under him and he found himself flat on his back. He picked himself up. ‘You have no sense of humor, Lord Kavan.’
    Tighe began to cough up water and Laek turned him on his side. ‘I don’t know how many frogs you’ve swallowed, but it would be best if you coughed them all up Tighe.’
    Laek gave a little bird-like call, and Jon and Iago appeared to climb up to the cave. They gazed down at Tighe, concern in their eyes. ‘Is he all right?’
    ‘He’s exhausted now, but he will be.’ Stripping Tighe of his wet

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