Dark Lightning

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Book: Dark Lightning by Janet Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janet Woods
Tags: fantasy romance
waist and lifted her on to Uffo’s back. She was conscious of him, of the warm body brushing against hers – of the eyes she could never quite see into the depths of. 
    He grinned when she blushed, said, ‘Lay down, close your eyes, and rest.’
    ‘Why do you keep smiling at me?’ she asked, crossly, as she did as she was told.
    ‘You make me feel happy. When I’m happy, I smile.’
    It was something she had no answer for, since she felt the same happiness and warmth when she was with him. Her feelings towards Hal were alien. She didn’t understand them. It was as if something inside her was being awakened, and she felt uncomfortable but excited about it. It was as though she had to cross a bridge over dangerous rapids – one strewn with obstacles. When she reached the other side she’d be changed.
    While she wondered whether to tell Hal of her feelings, or not, she gazed at his dark head and felt the need to kiss him. Then the moment was lost when he gazed up at her. He had a firmly shaped mouth with a soft curve. There was the place a kiss belonged, she thought, but she wouldn’t dare. It was annoying that she felt so in awe of him, and shy in his presence.
    He’d looped the leading rein around her so she wouldn’t fall off and said, ‘There, my lady with the moonlight hair, that should keep you safe from harm.’ Hidden from the others, he gently kissed her mouth.
    Gentle or not, his kiss sent a flood of heat pulsing through her. Her eyes flew open when Wulf gave a soft snarl and pushed between them, forcing Hal to take a step back. ‘Your protector takes his job too seriously,’ he grumbled.
     ‘You shouldn’t have kissed me, Hal.’
    ‘So it seems. Haven’t you been kissed before? Sleep now ... have sweet dreams.’
    As if she could sleep after such a caress. It had left her wanting more ... but more of what? She didn’t know. Although she’d enjoyed the kiss, it didn’t feel quite right with Hal ... as though he’d kissed many women without feeling it in his soul. Her fingertips found the stubs where Uffo’s wings would have grown if they’d been allowed to. He loved being stroked there, and rumbled deeply inside himself with the pleasure he felt at her touch. The noise against her ear made her feel sleepy and relaxed. Wulf’s eyes gleamed silver as they watched over her.
    * * * *
    When Jynx woke it was morning and she was lying in a bed in a small room. It was not luxurious, but adequate and clean. The walls were whitewashed. A chair, and a basket in which to store things stood to one side. A table containing a jug of water and a bowl were the only other furniture she could see. White breeches and a tunic were folded tidily over the back of the chair.
    The door opened and Jynx pulled the sheet up over her naked body when a woman came in. She wore the drab brown robe of the followers. ‘I’m Sybilla.’
    Jynx eyed her, quickly deciding she looked harmless. ‘Where are my clothes?’
    ‘Being washed, as you will be before your break your fast.’
    Jynx dug in her heels. ‘I’m not dirty. I bathed in the last stream we came to.
    ‘You smell unpleasant, child, like that animal you came to our door on. Come, rise from the bed and I’ll take you to the bathing chamber.’
    ‘Uffo can’t help smelling like that. Landflights never used to smell before their wings were removed. They used their glands to oil their wings with, and when they fanned them the smell dissipated and alerted other flights to their presence.’
    ‘And how did you learn such a thing?’
     ‘Oh ... I don’t know ... where does anyone learn anything?’
    She did know. Since they were small, and able to go out alone, she and Remy had made secret visits to a strange cave, which they’d found in the deep woods. It had been uncovered by a rumbling quake in the earth and the stones were tumbled everywhere. It was not far from the High Place.
     They thought it might have been a temple, or a palace, for they’d squeezed

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