Beyond the Sea
ocean. But shit floats, and…ugh.”
    Troy grimaced. “Yeah, that’s super gross. Dig a hole it is. Even though I really don’t want to.” He poked through the storm debris by the tree line and found a big stick. “Three days ago, I was at the Hilton.”
    “‘ First Up singing sensation shits in the woods, inspires back-to-nature craze.’”
    Troy bit back a laugh. “It’s Next Up, thank you very much. Also—” He cut off as a thought occurred. “Oh God, what do we use for toilet paper?”
    “ Well…” Brian shrugged and nodded toward the trees
    “ What if the leaves are poison or something?”
    “ Hmm. Good point.” Brian joined him at the jungle entrance and examined the wide leaves of a plant. He tore one off and rubbed it over the back of his hand. “See if I get a rash. Better here than…there.”
    “ Definitely.”
    After they both tested a patch of skin on their hands and waited ten minutes with no ill effects, Troy headed about ten feet in with a fistful of leaves, wearing Brian’s flip-flops. He beat the bushes with his stick, then dug out a little hole. Feeling extremely awkward and exposed, he squatted.
    And waited.
    “ Come on, come on,” he mumbled. “You know it’s time. Let’s just get on with it!”
    He finally willed himself to relax enough, and when he was finished, he covered up the hole with a grimace and practically ran back to the beach. Troy really hoped he wouldn’t have to get used to that .
    Brian had taken off his clothes and waded in the sea. He was in good shape, tall and lean, and Troy idly wondered if pilots were required to work out. Boy banders sure as hell were. He could imagine their trainer now, glaring that he wasn’t doing his push-ups and planks.
    Troy stripped and walked into the calm water, inhaling the briny air deeply. The bottom was perfectly soft and sandy, the startling clear turquoise water just cool enough to be refreshing. He sighed as he dunked his head, the ocean floor just out of reach of his toes. “Oh yeah. This was a good idea.”
    “ Amen.” Brian ducked under and came back up, slicking his thick, short hair.
    Troy took a few deep breaths, hearing the mantra his annoyingly zen yoga instructor constantly repeated. Be present. Be in the now. There is only now. They floated lazily, the sun arcing closer and closer to the horizon, pink-rose light washing over them.
    “ Is that one of the band’s songs?”
    Troy realized he was humming softly. His cheeks went hot. “Oh, no. Just a little melody I wrote. It’s nothing.”
    “ Sounded good to me.”
    “ Well…thanks.” He thought of his old guitar and the day he’d come home from dance rehearsal to find it gone and his father utterly unrepentant.
    “ No time to waste on that kind of music. Folk doesn’t sell.”
    “ You know, I thought rock stars were supposed to be arrogant assholes.”
    Shoving away useless memories, Troy paddled his feet, rolling onto his belly. “Sorry to disappoint. I can throw a hissy later if you want.”
    “ I’d appreciate it. If you don’t pull a diva routine daily, my tell-all exposé won’t sell. Although I suppose I could make it all up.”
    Troy smiled. “As long as we split the profits. Not that I need the money. You know, it’s ironic. People would pay a fortune for this. White sand beach, crystal clear water. Complete privacy.”
    Brian chuckled. “I guess they would.”
    “ I haven’t skinny dipped since I was a little kid. Always have to be careful. Never know where the paparazzi are hiding and how long their lenses are.” The water washed over him, caressing his skin. He could feel it between his ass cheeks and around his balls. There was something strangely freeing and sexy about it.
    “ I’d go crazy never being alone.”
    “ Yeah. Sometimes it’s the worst.” His mother’s voice echoed in his head. “Don’t complain about the American dream, Bongbong. People would murder for this!” Closing his eyes, he gulped down a swell

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