Bittersweet Chocolate
sound, but she must have given an affirmative sign. Retrieving the package he’d removed from his pocket, he ripped it open with his teeth and rolled the condom over his rigid shaft. He eased into position, while continuing to reassure her.
    Closing her eyes, she lay rigid, anticipating pain as he gradually penetrated her, pausing often to give her time to adjust to the pressure.
    “Oh, baby, you’re so damn tight. Relax, I promise I won’t hurt you.”
    After a moment, she realized he’d stopped moving, and opened her eyes.
    “Told you,” he said, perspiration peppering his forehead. “I’ll never intentionally hurt you.”
    His momentum started out unhurried, gradually escalating, his breathing becoming harsh, and the force of his thrusts increasing as he recaptured her mouth. She draped her legs over his hips and matched his urgency, their bodies moving in perfect harmony. The heat started in her feet, the involuntary tremors of climax started, and her arms tightened around his neck, nails scoring his shoulders. Pelvic muscles contracted around him, and both tensed.
    “Gray.” Unfathomable pleasure she never wanted to end.
    “Ah, Marissa...damn.” He reclaimed her mouth, a deep, sensual, breathtaking kiss.
    Exhausted, they remained wrapped in each other’s arms for a moment before he rose up, balancing his weight on his forearms. Idly brushing stray tendrils of hair from her forehead, he bent forward and kissed her mouth. “That was just the beginning.”
    He rolled off her, removed, tied off, and discarded the condom. Reaching out, he spooned her body to his, and seconds later he dozed off.
    Wired and alert, she wanted something to eat but didn’t want to disturb him. So she stayed nestled against his warm body, listening to his deep even breathing.
    Hell, she couldn’t get over his sensitivity to her needs, something Joel never pretended, not in all the time they’d been together. Sex with Joel always seemed rushed―a slam-bam-thank-you-Ma’am, money on the table workout. In addition, what she experienced with Joel wasn’t satisfying, and left her feeling there should have been more.
    Graham gave her the gratification she needed, showed her what she’d been missing.
    She’d started to doze off, heard noises like those she’d heard when Joel was out of town, and eased from beneath Graham’s arm. She sat up and listened. A few minutes passed. She didn’t hear any more sounds, and dismissed what she’d heard as creepy house-settling noises.
    Lying back on her pillows, she returned Graham’s arm to her waist and relaxed. In moments, sleep claimed her.

Chapter Six
    Graham became an addiction.
    Thoughts of him occupied her every free moment, and he let her monopolize all of his spare time. Not once during their time together did she waste any serious thought on her relationship with Joel. Heck, why would she? After their last few encounters, she felt no remorse, only relief.
    The second week with Graham became worse, or better, depending on the viewpoint. Their exploits into sexual experimentation were extraordinary. Joel had been an amateur compared to Graham. Joel never suggested she could be on top. Nor had they ever tried anal sex, or fellatio, which she found sinfully erotic. Recognizing how much pleasure it gave Graham, she became quite skillful and inventive.
    He was a giving and satisfying lover, but she refused to consider love had any part in their association. She wanted him, sexually, period.
    Joel’s first night back, they were at the kitchen table eating dinner when he spoke to her for the first time since his return. “I think our relationship has played itself out.”
    His opening remark made her smile and nod agreement. She hadn’t heard from him while he’d been away, and she wasn’t the least bit curious.
    “I’ll be here for a couple of weeks,” he snapped. “We’ll have plenty of time to decide how we want to handle the breakup.”
    “Joel. If you want

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