Bittersweet Chocolate

Bittersweet Chocolate by Emily Wade-Reid Page A

Book: Bittersweet Chocolate by Emily Wade-Reid Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Wade-Reid
Tags: Adult, Interracial, Erotic Romance, Mainstream
the apartment, tell me now, and I’ll be out of here before the night is over.”
    “You can keep the apartment. I’m on the road so much, I’m moving back with my family.”
    “You know, at this point, I don’t care where you go, as long as it’s away from me.”
    “I’m sorry you feel that way. I thought you might feel up to giving another party...consider it a farewell party.”
    Stunned, she stared, her mind working overtime. For him to suggest she give him any type of party, and invite all their neighbors, hell. Except for Graham, Rick, and their roommates, more than likely, the other neighbors didn’t know Joel lived there.
    “I don’t know.” She didn’t want to have a party with him, playing the role of dutiful hostess to his host, but he persisted.
    “Come on, Marissa. I know I’ve been an asshole. I’ve apologized.” He smiled. “Please, for old times’ sake, no hard feelings.”
    Okay, it was a party, and she did like having parties, but it didn’t make sense. Of course, he hadn’t been making much sense since she’d moved in with him. Besides, a party would be as much a celebration for her as for him. To get him out of her life with minimum fuss, she wished she could throw a block party. Against her better judgment, she caved.
    “Sure, but don’t mess with me, Joel. You’ll be leaving in what...three weeks?”
    She glanced at the calendar on the wall. “Your last day here will be a Friday. I’ll schedule the party for that night.”
    In the weeks prior to Joel’s leaving and the party, Marissa settled back into her pre-conflict routine―work, dinner, and settle down with a good book. Joel went on local runs during the week, and since she slept in the guest bedroom, they had minimum contact and led separate lives. For her, the only drawback to their situation was not spending time with Graham. Overall, the thought of the breakup didn’t faze her.
    Joel, on the other hand, became obnoxious and antagonistic at the slightest provocation, but as long as he didn’t get violent, she ignored him, and that seemed to make him angrier. A few times, she’d been tempted to call him on his behavior, but decided on a course of least resistance. If she hadn’t sent out invitations, she would have cancelled the party plans.
    The week before the party, she suspected she was pregnant. Recalling the few times she and Graham had become so involved he didn’t use protection, she made an appointment with her doctor for verification. Her periods had never been regular.
    She had mixed feelings about the pregnancy, none of them regret, because she wanted, and intended to keep, the baby. But not being in love with Graham pricked her conscience. Next, she had to factor Joel into the equation, even though it wasn’t necessary for him to know. She and Joel hadn’t slept together in months, but his random moodiness made her edgy, not knowing how he’d react if he suspected.
    Okay, not going to stress over it. He would be leaving after the party.
    The night of the party, Joel’s behavior astounded her, and contributed to the success of the party. He oozed cordiality, talked to everyone. With him leaving the following morning, and her pregnancy, Marissa couldn’t have been happier. Yet being so happy worried her.
    When the party broke up, Joel wasn’t in the apartment, but Graham had lingered.
    “Where’s Joel?”
    “I think he went next door.” Graham pulled her into his arms. “I’ve missed you.”
    “Joel will be out of here in the morning.”
    “Will you be able to manage the rent on your own, or do you need another roommate?” She didn’t respond. “Marissa, you’re not upset about this breakup, are you?”
    “Not likely.” She snorted. “But Gray, we’re...well, I’m pregnant.”
    “Tell me it’s my baby.”
    “Hey, mister man, I’m not like that. I haven’t slept with Joel in months,” she snapped. “I wouldn’t be sleeping with both...”

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