Bound by Faerie: An Urban Fantasy Novel (Stolen Magic Book 1)

Bound by Faerie: An Urban Fantasy Novel (Stolen Magic Book 1) by WB McKay Page B

Book: Bound by Faerie: An Urban Fantasy Novel (Stolen Magic Book 1) by WB McKay Read Free Book Online
Authors: WB McKay
through my new book.
    I opened the door and sighed with relief when I found Phoebe sitting on the couch, watching a medical drama on TV. When she was into TV, she forgot about her mission to make my life a living hell. "Hey, Phoebe," I said, careful not to be too loud. I'd learned the hard way not to startle a dryad. I had no desire to be choked out by vines moving at roughly the speed of sound, thank you.
    "Shhhh." She clutched a pillow excitedly to her chest. "Dr. Dark-and-Broody is being all pensive and emotional. His eyes sparkle ."
    Why that required silence, I'd never know. Asking would have drawn her attention. It turned out not to matter, because just then, a commercial for dishwasher detergent shattered the atmosphere of the show, ruining my chance of getting in the bath unbothered. "I'm going to take a bath," I said, trying to head off her inevitable tirade about the character's behavior. "Enjoy your show."
    Phoebe skipped through the commercials and hit pause. "Are you going to watch with me?" DVRs were both a blessing and a curse. I should have known the show wasn't live, it was after midnight.
    "Why would I do that? That show is utterly ridiculous."
    I edged toward the bathroom, but Phoebe bounced off the couch and landed in front of me.
    " Medical Heroes is not ridiculous," she said with a pout. "You seemed to enjoy it plenty when you were sick last—what happened?" She pointed at the bruises blooming across my chest.
    "I had a little disagreement with a dragon," I replied, feeling a wry grin tug at my mouth.
    Phoebe gently probed the discolored skin, startling a gasp from me. It was worse than I thought. "Maybe it was a big disagreement," I admitted.
    "Take your bath," said Phoebe, shooing me toward the bathroom. "When you're done I'll have brownies ready, and we can watch Medical Heroes ."
    I opened my mouth to protest and received a fierce scowl that stopped the words in my throat. "Fine."
    Phoebe's scowl turned into a cheerful grin and she bounded past me to the kitchen. She sure knew how to work me. It was just as well. I'd tolerate the crappy show if it meant I got some of her magical brownies. And when I say magical, I mean it. Her earth magic was potent. My bruises would heal in a day instead of a week. Also, they tasted like a rainbow made a baby with chocolate.
    I soaked in the tub until the water cooled and I was lured out by the smell of baking wizardry. "I hope you made a double batch," I said when I emerged from the bathroom, a towel wrapped around my body and another around my hair. My poor, misshapen, burnt hair. "Because I'm going to eat a whole batch by myself. These bruises are a bitch."
    "I made a triple batch," said Phoebe, her grin turning up a notch. "I want to have leftovers and Magical Heroes always makes me crave junk food."
    I slipped into some sweats and plopped on the couch. Phoebe handed me an enormous plate of brownies and sat down with one for herself.
    "I'll start this episode over. It's right where we left off last month," she said. "Do you remember, or do you need a recap?"
    "I remember," I said grudgingly. "I wanted to smack Dark-and-Broody because he should have realized that Slutty Nurse was only kissing him to make her ex jealous." Fine, I actually enjoyed the show, but it was mostly because it was fun to watch with Phoebe. Having her as a roommate wasn't all bad sometimes. I took a big bite of brownie and groaned.
    Phoebe giggled. "The healing power of chocolate."
    I slumped over and leaned my head on her shoulder. "Thank you ," I whispered, acknowledging that I would owe her a favor. She pretended not to hear.
    The next morning my bruises felt several days old and presented with subdued earth tones, in contrast to the jeweled reds and purples I would have expected. Much better, but I probably wouldn't be showing off my chest at Smoke and Mirrors anytime soon. I snorted. Right. Like that would happen ever again. The nightclub part of the job was over. Now it was time to

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