[B.S. #3] Claiming Laura
over one of his legs and pulled her closer up to his cock, which was now raring to go again. He took a minute to just savor the feeling of her in his arms and didn’t want to have to let her go. His internal clock said it must be around six thirty a.m., so he knew he had to get up and back to his apartment to change if he was to meet with the guys at eight. He wished he had made the meeting later as with every smell he took of Laura, his cock got harder and harder.
    After last night’s display, he knew he couldn’t just lay Laura on her back and have a quickie morning “glad to see you” with her. He would be happy if she never remembered his lack of finesse last night. Clay, hoping she wouldn’t wake up and want to kick him out of her bed, brought one of his hands up off her ass to her shoulder. With his other hand, he brushed the hair off her face and kissed her awake. He couldn’t put off getting up any longer, he had to get going.
    Laura came awake and was mortified to find where her hands and legs were. Moving off of Clay as fast as she could, she earned a grunt from him when her sharp elbow made contact with his stomach. Pulling up the covers that had been around her waist, she held them above her breasts and turned and sat up. With one hand, she pushed her hair out of her face and looked over at Clay lying beside her.
    She looked like she hadn’t expected to find Clay in her bed. Her startled expression told him so. Maybe he had presumed too much. Well, time to find out.
    “Good morning, baby.” Clay leaned over to get a good morning kiss, only to have Laura reel back from him. Falling back on his elbow, he tried to assess her feelings. “I hope you don’t mind, that I stayed the night. I know I should have awakened you to find out, but you were sleeping so peacefully that I just presumed that it was OK. Sorry.”
    Clay pushed the covers back off him and started to get off the bed. He had one leg off the bed and the other curved as he sat there and looked back at Laura. Noticing she wasn’t looking at him and that her face was starting to get a bit pink, he followed her eyes. He saw that her glaze was staring straight at his cock, which now was at full mast from holding her a minute ago.
    Clay hid a smile as he let her have a long look, then slowly he slipped off the bed and picked up his pants and put them on. He sat back down on the bed, his back toward her, and grabbed his socks and boots off the floor and put them on also. All the time he was doing this, Laura hadn’t said anything. The silence was getting to him and he could feel his muscle’s tighten up from not knowing what to expect.
    He felt a tiny hand grasp his shoulder. Turning his head to look at her, he saw that she still had the covers tightly clasped over her breasts, but now she wore a smile.
    “Don’t go. I liked having you here. I was just startled for a moment. It’s been a long time since I woke up in bed with someone. I didn’t mean to make you feel unwelcome.” Laura felt bad and wondered when she would stop jumping at every shadow. After all the years she spent looking over her shoulder, she would think that by now her body would know the difference between the good and bad guys. Sliding her hand from his shoulder down his arm, she let it go as she lay back down on the bed beside him. She looked very vulnerable at the moment.
    Clay turned fully toward her, with one knee bent near her on the bed, and picked up her hand and kissed it. “I don’t feel unwelcome. If I didn’t have to leave, I would show you how much I wanted to stay. But I have to meet the guys at the office at eight and that just barely leaves me time to go home and change. Can I call you later? Maybe we can do something after my meeting?”
    Laura stood up from the bed, grabbing at her housecoat lying on the chair beside the bed. Clay, now standing beside her, told her, “You don’t have to get up. I’ll just let myself out. I hate to sleep and run, but I

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