Burning Bright (Brambridge Novel 2)
his eyes.
    “I think you need to know something about…”
    But it was too late; Harald was already leading Scorpius away and crooning to the large black horse.
    Amused, James strode away to look for Mr. Granger’s offices. Weaving in and out of the paths of ladies completing their shopping, he realized that he had arrived from Paris with nothing for his mother and his sister. He hunched his shoulders. Who was he trying to fool? He hadn’t wanted to buy them anything.
    Following a group of older women, he stopped outside the ‘The Ottery Emporium’. A group of bright tin soldiers in Hussar colors marched in a display in the window. James stared at the inanimate figurines. Where was the mud? The piles of dead men and horses? Gritting his teeth, he pulled open the shop door. A young lady stood in the entrance with her arm outstretched on the door handle. She stumbled. Thrusting out open arms, he caught her and swept her back to her feet. A pair of large, blue eyes surrounded by thick black lashes blinked back at him, whilst his hands spanned a small waist.
    “Oh my goodness,” she murmured. “I'm so terribly sorry.” 
    “I apologize,” James said brusquely. “I wasn't looking where I was going.” A short silence ensued as she made no effort to stand on her own.
    “Melissa! Melissa!” A lady's voice broke off as she caught sight of James and the girl. Melissa stood slowly, brushing at her skirts.
    “Well good afternoon, sir.” The lady cocked her head coquettishly at him. James turned; she was handsome in a mature way, dressed in beautiful silks and fur.
    “Apologies, my ladies,” he said shortly, realizing he had not introduced himself. “Lord Stanton at your service.” He swept a bow and laid a kiss on each of the ladies’ gloved hands.
    “Goodness me! I am Mrs. Eliza Sumner, and this is my daughter Melissa.” The lady pushed her daughter forward.
    “Pleased to meet you, my lord,” Melissa said in a low musical voice, dipping her skirts in a curtsey. She blinked at the floor, and then turned to gaze at him with deep blue eyes that many a man must have drowned in.
    “Where do you live, Lord Stanton?” asked Mrs. Sumner.
    “In Brambridge, but I'm here to see my lawyer, and also to buy some ribbons for my mother and sister.”
    “Oh Lord Stanton, how lovely of you! But tell me, how much experience do you have of choosing such fripperies?”
    “Not much,” he admitted. “It has been two years since I have seen my mother and sister, and fashions have changed.”
    “Well, you must let us help you!” Mrs. Sumner pushed Melissa forward. “Melissa is so fashionable, and has good taste. She will have you sorted out in no time.”
    “Thank you.” James looked at Melissa reluctantly. Her gaze seemed to have sharpened, but then melted away again into a soft sea of blue.
    Melissa took him by the hand and drew him to towards the wall of ribbons adorning the surround of the shop counter. All the colors of the rainbow were displayed, in thick and thin strands. Some were of obvious French origin, whilst others bore the lace making marks of the areas around Ottery St Mary.
    “Tell me what your sister is like,” Melissa said in a quiet voice. James was taken aback. “To choose her ribbons.”
    “She is outgoing, and loves to joke and laugh. She is mischievous and she has deep brown hair.”
    “Is she married?”
    “No, not yet.”
    “How old is she?” Melissa laid a hand on his arm as she reached forward.
    “I, I can’t remember.” James shook his head. He couldn’t focus, shaking the urge to pull Melissa’s hand off his sleeve.
    Melissa looked at him and lifted her arm lightly. “Hmm, then I think you should go with this one.” Melissa pulled out a bright red ribbon that was scandalously close to scarlet. Thinking that it would suit Cecilia right down to the ground, James thanked Melissa gravely. Melissa then pulled out a more demure blue ribbon. “And this one for your mother.”

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