By the Numbers

By the Numbers by Chris Owen and Tory Temple

Book: By the Numbers by Chris Owen and Tory Temple Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chris Owen and Tory Temple
Tags: gay romance
and he was always having to adjust it from 'cue' or 'coo'.
    The puppies had made their way around the yard and were now nosing at both of the humans. Trey lifted Six into his lap and stroked the silky puppy fur with a big hand. "If you want to get started on unloading, we can leave them back here. They should be okay, if we check on them every fifteen minutes or so."
    "Sure?" Deuce looked around and didn't see any means of escape. "They might dig a bit, if they're not watched."
    "That's okay. I warned my gardener, remember? If they start totally destroying everything, we'll figure something out." Trey deposited the puppy back on the grass and stood up, offering a hand to Deuce.
    Taking it and pulling himself up, Deuce held on to Trey’s hand a moment longer. "Thanks." For the hand, for everything, really. He tried to put it all into that word. "I'll make you supper later. Nothing as fancy as what you did, but edible."
    "You want to?" Trey gave him a faint smile. "It's hard to turn down a meal made by somebody else. Thank you." He slid open the glass door that led to the kitchen and waited for Deuce to follow him inside. "I don't have fancy stuff to cook with, but you'll find what you need."
    "I'll go buy food after I unpack." Deuce was pretty easy about that, and he figured he had to stock his bathroom, too, anyway. "How about super fancy burgers and homemade fries? I can even do it low-fat, if that's a big thing. Big salad, something for dessert..." Great, now he was hungry and he hadn't even moved his boxes in.
    "I'll leave it up to you," Trey laughed. "I'm due for a gym workout tomorrow morning anyway, so whatever you want to make is fine with me." He continued on through the house and out the front door. "So this is everything?"
    "Yup. I have a few things in a storage unit, but it's mostly crap like dishes. I lost all my soft furniture to smoke and water, but there's a couple of tables I'll try to save, later on. This is my clothes, mostly, and some things like books, work stuff. My bike is all taken apart. My TV is the biggest thing in here, and it's pretty small, for a TV." It was pathetic, how his life could fit in his car.
    It wasn't a big car.
    "Okay." Trey didn't seem bothered by any of that. "So let's get to it, huh?" He glanced inside the car at the TV and looked thoughtful. "I still have my old flat screen that Holly and I had in our bedroom. It's up in the attic. You can have it for your room, if you want."
    Deuce thought about that for a moment. There wasn't anything actually wrong with his TV except it was old and small. "Maybe Lacey could hook video games up to this one or something."
    Trey nodded. "She has her hand-held one, but she's been asking me for a Wii. I don't really want to put one in her room, though. Hey, if you want to hold onto your own TV, I totally get it. Just wanted to offer."
    "And I appreciate it." Deuce smiled at him and dragged his suitcase out of the car. "A bigger screen would be cool. We can put this one in a closet until we figure things out. I don't spend a lot of time watching TV, but when you're at work I'll probably hole up in my room with the remote, for sure."
    Trey reached in for a box of stuff. "Whatever you're comfortable with. The TV in the living room is HD, so feel free to use it." He straightened up with the box in his arms. "I don't really want you to confine yourself just to your space. I'm gone a lot, man. Use it to your advantage."
    "I guess I'm just used to it by now." He'd probably get used to having the run of a whole house pretty fast, though. "Oh, hey, if you get the box of DVDs just put them in the living room. You're welcome to watch 'em, like I said." The ones that were for more personal viewing weren't packed with the regular ones.
    "That's awesome, thanks. And I'll leave you the password for my Netflix account, if you want to order anything through the TV." Trey turned to bring the box inside, his arms flexing with the weight of it.
    Deuce followed along,

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