Devil's Plaything (Playthings, #1)
Shay. It’s not that bad!”
    “No, it’s even worse. But you called me, and we can fix it. What time is the date?”
    Shayla looked at her watch. “Awesome. The shops are still closed, so we can get breakfast and coffee while we formulate the plan of attack. Away,” she said with a flourish, pushing Julie toward the door.
    Julie hesitated a moment, unsure of what “shops” Shayla was referring to. She had more of a women’s-department body and a dollar-store budget, and “shop” sounded small and expensive.
    “Um, Shay, where are you taking me. I have certain requirements—”
    “Girl, hush. Have you seen the wagon I’m draggin’? I got you.”
    Thirty minutes later, they sat at a small table in popular local café, eggs, bacon, and pancakes on the way. Julie had originally ordered a bagel, but Shayla nixed that, telling her she’d need a good breakfast to fuel her as they shopped. For a moment, Julie was a little nervous, but then Shayla narrowed her eyes, focused on her like a laser, and then she got really nervous.
    “So you and Albert hit it off?”
    “Huh? Oh, yeah, he’s nice.”
    “But you’re not going out with him, right?”
    “No, it’s someone else. I’ve been... seeing him for a little while.”
    “I knew it! Trying to hold out on me,” Shayla said, oblivious to the people looking over at their table.
    “Shh!” Julie said.
    “Sorry!” Shayla exclaimed even more loudly, before looking around sheepishly and lowering her voice. “Sorry,” she practically whispered. “So it’s old boy from the ER right? The big, hunky white dude?”
    Julie felt like she’d been punched in the gut.
    “What makes you say that?” she asked, her playing-it-cool voice so unconvincing it made her nervousness crystal clear.
    Shayla, showing the sensitivity and perception that made her the best doctor in the ER, backed off. “It’s okay, Julie. I’m sorry to tease. It’s just I saw the way you looked at each other that day. You both looked like you’d seen the same ghost, so I kinda put two and two together.”
    “But you never said anything.”
    “Well, I didn’t want to upset you, but when you called this morning, I got a little hyped. I’m just jealous is all because that man is h-o-t. But seriously, don’t worry about it. I’ll keep my mouth shut.”
    Julie tilted her head and raised a brow at Shayla.
    “Okay, you know I can’t keep my mouth shut, but I’ll refrain from asking the really pertinent questions about stuff like how big his cock is and how much money he has.”
    Julie almost spit out her coffee, and the tension that had formed in her stomach dissolved as she laughed. Besides, she needed a new attitude about this thing with D’yavol. They were transitioning, or at least she thought they were, and discussing your mate with friends was only normal. If she wanted her and D’yavol to be something more than a late-night connection that could easily be construed as just a hookup if looked at from the right angle, she needed to treat it differently, and talking to Shayla was a good start.
    “That was him,” she said. “It’s been... complicated. But fun. Good,” she added hastily when she saw Shayla purse her lips in that way she did before she got wound up. “And we’re trying to take things to the next level, which is why I desperately need your help.”
    “Fair enough. And, in all fairness, I should mention that I’m not exactly Donatella Versace.”
    “Tell me about it. I’ve seen some of your scrub combinations.”
    Shayla puffed up her chest, feigning insult. “Then why did you ask for my help?”
    “’Cause, you may have... questionable taste, but you’ll tell me if I look horrible.”
    “Sure will,” she said, triggering another round of giggles.
    J ulie jumped at the knock.
    Between the shopping, mani-pedi, hair, and lunch, Shayla had kept her out far longer than Julie had intended, the upside being that she hadn’t had all day

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