I Lost My Mobile At the Mall

I Lost My Mobile At the Mall by Wendy Harmer

Book: I Lost My Mobile At the Mall by Wendy Harmer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wendy Harmer
just blinded by wanting to get revenge on Jai. But I don't get it – why would Lily and Georgie do that?'
    It's exactly what that site said: Emotions and the internet don't mix. Well, too late, they're mixed up now.
    'I'm going to murder Georgie when I see her.' Tilly sits up and punches her pillow. 'I can't believe she'd do something so disgusting! And why would Lily want Jayden to see the photos anyway? It just doesn't make sense.'
    I've heard enough now. I try to get to my feet to walk away, but it's easier to crawl. So that's what I do – I crawl through Tilly's underwear and jeans and tops and shoes. Tilly scrambles out of bed and tries to drag me to my feet, but I don't want to stand. Leave me down here with the lowly things that squirm and slither in the shadows.

Saturday morning.
Later. One week PM.
    I can't say how long it took for the tears to slow. But there was a point when I looked out the window of The Dungeon and saw that the heavy grey clouds hanging over Oldcastle were being blown out to sea by an offshore wind. That's when I knew I'd find Will on Winchester Headland. He's spent hours patiently teaching me how to watch the weather so I know when a big surf is running. He might come to regret that.
    I'm scrambling up the old stone stairs, two at a time, and the wind is twisting my hair into ropes that slap my face. When I get to the top and see him, what will I say? What will I do?
    I want to push him onto the rocks below and watch the surf suck him under then throw him up again, bashing him senseless into the cliff face.
    And then I see him in that familiar pose, shading his eyes. Looking for a wave. My heart breaks and snaps like a fibreglass surfboard – tumbled and tossed and swept out to sea in fragments that can never be reassembled.
    He turns and spots me. In that moment, in his surprise and confusion, I see that it's all true.
    'Elly, what are you doing here? It's early. You're hardly dressed, you must be freezing,' says Will.
    I register that I'm still in the raggy old Britney Spears t-shirt and black pyjama shorts I wear to bed. My bare feet are smeared with mud. I stop barely a metre from Will and ask him where he was last night.
    'Elly . . .' he begins, and he's half smiling. I can't believe it.
    He turns his head away so I can't look into his eyes. Those eyes that have always been such a soft grey, but this morning seem to reflect the black rocks in the cliff. He scuffs at the earth with his bare, tanned feet.
    'It's like I told you, I stayed home, 'cos Mum was cooking . . .' he mumbles.
    I want to shout at him that he's a liar and a fake. That he cares more about a dead crab or a floating plastic bag than he does about me!
    Instead I turn and run as fast as I can, fancying that I am Arwen Evenstar fleeing Lothlórien and my dearest love, forever.
    'Elly, Elly!' Will calls.
    I'm stumbling down the stone stairs, grabbing the railing to keep from falling. But I fall anyway, into a deep black hole of misery.

Saturday afternoon. One week
PM. Three hours AW (after Will).
    Where do I begin with the disaster that is my life? There are stacks of comments on Lily Cameron's FacePlace mirror already. Seems like the whole world has seen the pictures of Will and her. I can't resist going back again and again to look, like I'm witnessing some international crisis unfolding on CNN.
    Oooh. Trouble in paradise!!!
    Where there's a Will, there's a willy. LOL!
    Where's Elly? Under the bubbles breathing through a straw?
    Oops, Elly, he's just not that into you!
    Silly Willy jumping at Lily's pad. Ribbit!
    Jayden's gunna freak. Shld be worth watching.Heh.
    C'mon guys. Three pics? That's all we get????
    Ah, Will.It shoulda been me!:-)
    Will and Lily
Sittin in a bath
When poor Elly sees them.
Boy, she's gunna barf!
The Phantom Rhymer.
    That jerk's right, I do feel sick. I turn off the monitor and creep to my bed. So this is what it feels like to have a broken heart. I know it sounds like a stupid thing to say,

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