brown instead of blonde. Isabella was six and had a more olive complexion than her older sister, whereas Eszter, now five, looked like one of the Agraci with her mop of unruly hair, dark brown eyes and brown complexion. As usual Dobbai joined us; sitting huddled in her cushion-stuffed chair. Claudia fussed round her bringing sweet meats, fruit juice and pastries from a table piled high with food and drink, though Dobbai ate little. Ever since she had assisted in bringing Claudia into the world Dobbai had had a special bond with my eldest daughter, who now knew more about the gods, spells and magic herbs than many of the empire’s most learned holy men. Isabella, named after the wife of King Balas of Gordyene who had made such an impression on Gallia when we had been married, was a thoughtful and kind-hearted child, whereas Eszter was a wild thing, fearless like her mother and with a similar temper. A sand storm had been battering Dura when she had been born and Dobbai had told me that it was a sign my daughter would be fierce and uncontrollable like the wind that had brought her into the world.
    She now raced round the terrace squealing at the top of her voice as she did so. Then she stopped and squealed with fear before throwing herself into my lap, knocking my plate of food on the floor. Claudia and Isabella also cried out in alarm and retreated to stand behind Dobbai who opened her eyes at the commotion. I turned and saw the strapping figure of Scarab standing beside the officer I had handed him over to earlier. The Egyptian had swapped his Agraci robes for a spotless short-sleeved white tunic, baggy white leggings and leather boots. The white of his clothing accentuated the dark colour of his skin and gave him a somewhat ominous appearance. It had certainly frightened my children and Scarab looked most upset that he had alarmed them.
    ‘It is quite all right,’ I reassured Eszter, before helping her onto her feet and getting out of my chair. I waved Scarab forward.
    ‘Welcome, Scarab, please come over.’
    The officer nodded to him and our Egyptian friend took two steps forward to prostrate himself before me.
    ‘Thank you, divinity,’ he said.
    Gallia rolled her eyes and Dobbai laughed.
    ‘He’s no god, boy, though sometimes he thinks he is.’
    I walked forward to stand before Scarab. ‘Get up.’
    He did so and the officer smiled at him.
    ‘He’s eager to please, majesty.’
    ‘Yes,’ I said, ‘I can see that.’
    My daughters stood in silence as I introduced each of them to Scarab, who smiled to reveal perfect white teeth. I told them he was going to be my new squire and came from a land far away called Nubia. Eventually Eszter stepped forward and touched Scarab’s muscular arm and then looked at her fingers.
    ‘It does not come off,’ she said in surprise.
    Gallia frowned but Dobbai laughed. ‘That is the colour of his skin, child, not paint.’
    She gestured to Scarab to approach her. He looked at me and I nodded.
    Despite his size he was obviously nervous at being in the presence of this old woman with the severe countenance.
    ‘You know of me, boy?’
    He nodded. ‘You are the sorceress of the king. Your name is held in awe by many.’
    ‘How ridiculous,’ she scoffed. ‘Give me your hand.’
    He held out his right arm and she grabbed his wrist to look closely at his palm.
    ‘You chose wisely, son of Hatra. The gods send you a guardian.’
    ‘I think we have alarmed Scarab enough,’ I said. ‘Go and get some rest. Your training begins tomorrow.’
    While Scarab began to receive instructions on the duties required of a royal squire a courier arrived from Babylon with a letter from Orodes. I assembled the council and then read its contents to everyone. It did not make heartening reading and indicated just how weak the empire was at this present juncture. Orodes was waiting for Nergal to arrive from Uruk at the head of ten thousand horse archers, to which he would be adding five hundred heavy

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