Christmas in Transylvania

Christmas in Transylvania by Sandra Hill Page B

Book: Christmas in Transylvania by Sandra Hill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandra Hill
bless his black heart, was not a warrior, although he would like to be one.
    â€œI do. I do. I was reading something on the Internet.”
    The boy spent entirely too much time on that blasted computer.
    â€œThere is this famous cathedral in New York City—­”
    â€œSt. Patrick’s?”
    â€œNo. The other one. St. Ambrose’s Cathedral. Five days before Christmas, they are holding a massive penance ser­vice, at which three dozen priests will be available to hear confessions. And you know that Christmas and Easter are times when the worst sinners come out of their closets, so to speak, seeking forgiveness.”
    Jasper sat up with sudden interest. He was beginning to get the drift of Beltane’s idea. And he liked it.
    â€œWhat better opportunity for Lucipires to pick off sinners than just before they go to confession!”
    Jasper clapped his clawed hands together and pierced the skin of his palms. He did not care. “I could station a few haakai and dozens of mungs at strategic places outside the cathedral. They can kill those whose sin scent is the strongest before they ever enter the holy place. Best to leave the imps and hordlings at home this time. They just create chaos. No insult to you, my boy.”
    â€œNo insult taken, m’lord.”
    â€œIt would have to be short and sweet, this mission,” Jasper mused as he stood and began pacing. He thought best when he paced. “All done and over with in a few hours. Mayhap a dozen haakai would be better and fifty mungs. Call Zebulan. He would be good person to head this venture.” Jasper paused and looked fondly at the boy. “And, Beltane, good job!”
    Beltane smiled, which caused his fangs to show.
    â€œHonestly, it’s shameful that, with all my advisors, it came down to you, a mere hordling, to come up with a brilliant mission plan. Believe me, heads are going to roll at the next council meeting, and I do not mean human ones.”
    â€œShall I call for a council meeting, too?”
    â€œYes. And, Beltane, I believe I will come watch a little torture, after all. Plus, I need to clear the killing jars to make room for all our new arrivals.”
    â€œIt is good to see you happy once again.”
    Jasper looped an arm over Beltane’s shoulder, the two of them shuffling down the corridor, tails dragging, scales flying.
    â€œBetimes, even at Christmas, it is good to be a demon vampire,” Beltane remarked.
    Jasper said, ‘Ho, ho, ho!”
    Their bells jingled, but not for long . . .
    After almost a week of torture, being near Faith and wanting her so badly his fangs ached, and another body part throbbed, Karl decided it was time to get away from the castle. He asked Jogeir to ride along with him to Faith’s trailer, so that he could drive Faith’s VW back to the castle, assuming the bug was still there and Karl could get it to run.
    Faith wanted to come with him, to get the remainder of her clothing and other belongings, but he wasn’t taking a chance of her seeing Leroy again and maybe deciding to go back to him. She’d given no hint of wanting to do that, but still, Karl knew it was the pattern of abused women. Especially ones who might be pregnant and feel an obligation to the father.
    They still didn’t know for sure whether she was pregnant or not. Karl had purchased not one, but two pregnancy kits when he went to the mall with Alex, but he’d yet to give them to Faith. Why, he wasn’t sure. But then, Faith hadn’t asked for one, either. It was as if, once they knew for sure, things would change, and for now, the status quo was preferred.
    One thing was for damn sure, Karl wasn’t going to be jumping the bones of a pregnant woman, or even jingling her bells. Not that Faith wasn’t attractive to him, but it was a line he wouldn’t cross. He hoped.
    â€œMan, it’s getting cold again,” Jogeir commented. “They’re

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