Da Silva's Mistress

Da Silva's Mistress by Tina Duncan

Book: Da Silva's Mistress by Tina Duncan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tina Duncan
Tags: Fiction
He pulled her onto her toes and put his face close to hers. ‘Damned right I can’t deny it. It turns my stomach to think of you sleeping with Joseph.’
    Instead of drawing back, Morgan put her face even closer to his. Luca could smell the subtle scent of her orange shampoo invade his nostrils, could feel her breath, warm and soft, feather his face. ‘I have never slept with Joseph. How many times do I have to tell you that? We’re friends. That’s all. What’s it going to take to get it through that thick skull of yours?’
    She didn’t give him a chance to answer, yanking out of his grasp and marching away from him, back rigid, shoulders squared, head tilted with angry pride.
    Luca followed more slowly.
    What if she was right?
    For the first time he seriously considered that question.
    When Olivia had told him of her suspicions Luca had been quick to believe her. Olivia was an astutebusinesswoman. Perceptive. Ambitious. She’d worked in a number of his organisations over the last three years and during that time she’d proved that he could rely on her. And that he could trust her. Nothing she’d said or done since suggested that had changed.
    Now he went back over their conversation. At the time, it had never occurred to him that she might be lying, but now he realised he had to give it serious thought.
    Olivia had told him about her suspicions after she’d outlined her plan to bring the marketing of Da Silva Chocolate back in-house, for her to manage, and only after he’d told her he’d think about it.
    His reaction to her proposal had been lukewarm at best.
    Had Olivia realised that? Had she twisted a couple of innocent lunches into something they were not? Had she invented her suspicions in the hope it would tip his decision in her favour?
    Ice slid down his spine, taking his heart with it.
    He stared at the proud tilt of Morgan’s head. She’d had that exact same look about her when she’d tossed his cheque back in his face
    Her action had bothered him then.
    It bothered him even more now.
    It was a lot of money for anyone to turn down—particularly someone struggling to pay off a mortgage. And yet Morgan had done exactly that without blinking an eye. ‘I don’t care how much it is. I don’t want it,’ she’d said.
    She’d refused to be bribed.
    She’d refused to be threatened.
    Surely that showed a person with integrity?
    Surely that showed a woman who wouldn’t stoop to sleeping with a married man?
    He remembered the way Morgan’s boss had sung her praises. At the time he’d wondered whether they were talking about two different women.
    Luca ground his teeth together, frustration drawing his shoulders up towards his ears.
    Dio, but this was impossible.
    A part of him wanted to believe Morgan was telling the truth.
    But there was too much evidence against her.
    The feeling she’d been lying during that first meeting.
    The feeling she was hiding something.
    They were both strong feelings. Strong enough, Luca was sure, to be believed.
    Even if he discounted those intimate lunches for two that Morgan had admitted to, what about the fact that she knew about the IVF treatments Joseph and Stefania were going through? He knew for certain even their closest friends—friends who’d known them for decades—didn’t know about those.
    And yet Morgan did.
    And if that wasn’t enough to convince him then the very fact she’d agreed to be his mistress did!
    His shoulder muscles knotted.
    His stomach clamped into a tight ball.
    She was playing with his head. Making up seem down. Left seem right.
    It was time he put a stop to this once and for all!
    Morgan was striding past the monkey enclosure, oblivious to their cheeky antics, when Luca caught up with her.
    Once again he stopped her with a hand on her shoulder.
    Still fuming, Morgan spun around to face him. ’What do you want, Luca? If you intend insulting me again I should warn you that I’m not in the mood!’
    ‘Is it insulting to tell the

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