Demon Gate: Beyond the 9th Circle: The Rapture Was Just The Beginning.

Demon Gate: Beyond the 9th Circle: The Rapture Was Just The Beginning. by Joel Heath

Book: Demon Gate: Beyond the 9th Circle: The Rapture Was Just The Beginning. by Joel Heath Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joel Heath
on his breaks, grabbed
the P-90, got out and pointed it at … nothing.
The strange figure was gone. Now he had a
concern that his sanity was slipping. Was he
hallucinating? Spencer looked around for a
couple seconds before getting back into his GTO,
putting the gun on the seat beside him and
rubbing his eyes and face.
Spencer reached for a bottle of water and
took a swig. He just about did a spit take when he
saw the man right outside the windshield.
Spencer went for the closest weapon at his
disposal, the Glock in his center console.
Looking away for a half a second, when his gaze
rose to look at the man, he was gone. Spencer
looked around for the strange man. When he
didn’t see him he put the gun away, shifted the
car in to gear and sped down the interstate. He
just wanted to get the hell out of there. He caught
himself stealing a glance in his rearview mirror
shortly after leaving; checking to see if maybe
the man was still there.
After an hour, Spencer merged onto I-40
and continued his trek west. His brain was
running over time. That was strange, who was
that man? Where did he come from? And where
did he go? Was he real? Was he a projection of
Spencer wishing for divine help?
Spencer glanced down at the
speedometer, which read ninety-seven miles per
hour as he shot down I-40 past a sign for
Kingman, AZ. An advertisement for a truck stop
flashed by. His first impression was to bypass the
truck stop and keep heading for the Nevada
border but at the last second, he veered off the
interstate and onto the off ramp. Pulling onto
Blake Ranch Road Spencer saw a series of gas
pumps to his right so he pulled over stopped his
car and began to fill up. It was now second nature
to always top off the gas tank at any opportunity.
The truck stop was being powered by a
series of solar panels that looked very new, as if
they had been installed in the last few months. It
wasn’t enough to fully power the truck stop, but
the pumps had fuel and power and there were
flickering lights in the plaza. Then he noticed the
bodies no less than three dozen horned creatures,
the hive queen lay dead among a cluster of other
demons, not a single one of them was human.
That’s when he saw a shape inside, so he grabbed
the P-90 checked the magazine and left his car to
Walking in the door he got the barrel of a
shotgun in his face.
“Whoa!” Spencer shouted and the gun
was retracted.
“Sorry, I thought they had sent more.”
The man apologized, “You scared the hell out of
“You almost scared something else out of
me.” Spencer said. “Wait. Are you expecting
“One of the demons got away, he
probably just went for backup.” The man
explained he was wearing a black tee shirt, black
jeans and black boots that resembled modern
cowboy boots.
“When was that?” Spencer shot back.
“An hour and a half ago, maybe more.”
“Why the hell are you still here?”
“I wouldn’t make it half a mile before the
tore my head off…literally.”
Spencer glanced out the door to his car fueling
“Well good news, I have a muscle car on
steroids crossed with a Prius.” Spencer began, “I
was just getting gas.”
“Really, ‘cause the burritos are on the
next aisle over.”
“Smartass. I like your humor though.”
“Thanks, it’s all I’ve got left.”
“Great.” Spencer commented. “Let’s load
up what we can into the trunk of my car and get
the hell out of here.”
“By the way, my name is Vince Masters.”
Spencer and Vince grabbed what they
could before heading out to the car. Thunder
rumbled on the horizon, the thunder of a
thousand demons drawing near.
“So, we’re supposed to fight off these
demons with food and water?” Vince asked.
“And guns, big ones.” Spencer said
closing the trunk and heading for the gas pumps.
“What the hell are you doing?” Vince
asked as Spencer started to spread gasoline
“I’m hoping that I can send some of them
back to Hell.”
“That’s brilliant.

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