Devlin's Montana Bride (Sweet, clean Western Historical Romance)(Montana Ranchers Brides series)

Devlin's Montana Bride (Sweet, clean Western Historical Romance)(Montana Ranchers Brides series) by Maya Stirling

Book: Devlin's Montana Bride (Sweet, clean Western Historical Romance)(Montana Ranchers Brides series) by Maya Stirling Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maya Stirling
other. And this marriage." Devlin shook his head. "I just don't know what to say."
    Elise reached over and touched Devlin's shoulder. "I know all about the disappointment you felt about what happened before," she said.
    Devlin's head whirled around. "How can you understand that?"
    Elise's eyes were filled with sympathy. "I know I haven't been through anything like that, but I can try to understand. If you'll let me."
    Devlin stood and thrust his hands into his pockets. He turned his back on Elise and gazed at the shining star hovering just above the horizon. Suddenly his earlier sweet words seemed hollow and insincere. Elise stood and rested a hand on his arm. "Please let me try to understand," she said.
    Devlin found that words had deserted him.
    He turned and took Elise in his arms and held her close. After a few moments he kissed her gently on the top of her head.
    Then Devlin released her and walked slowly to the door. He glanced back and saw Elise standing there looking bereft, her eyes wide, a look of confusion on her face. Something hard and tight clutched at Devlin's heart when he saw her like that, but by now the damage had been done, and he stepped into the house and closed the door quietly behind him.


    What on earth was happening? Elise heard the door slam shut and Devlin was gone. One minute he'd seemed so loving, so close and the next he'd utterly changed, withdrawing from her, apparently without cause.
    Elise could only imagine what was going on inside Devlin. She was sure she hadn't said or done anything to prompt such an extreme reaction in him. But it was the suddenness of it that shocked her. She recalled Mrs. Mildmay's words about how Devlin had been affected by being jilted. But he had to get over it, Elise told herself. He couldn't spend the rest of his days thinking about someone who'd so cruelly left him in the lurch.
    But was there more to it than that, Elise asked herself. She thought about the conversation Devlin had had with Trent earlier that day. It had seemed so serious at the time. Sure, they'd glossed over it and avoided any mention of it during the time in the parlor. But, Elise couldn't help wondering what it had been all about. And did it involve her and their marriage?
    Elise wrapped her arms around her. The evening air was beginning to cool. She stepped over to the corral. There were no ranch hands around, and the horses had been put back in the stable. She was alone. Looking up at the stars she wondered if her life on the ranch was going to come to a sudden end, sooner than she could have anticipated. She hoped not. The truth was she was beginning to feel something strong and unfamiliar about Devlin Cooper. She'd seen so much evidence that he was a decent man, albeit a man with serious issues he was struggling with. And one of the main things he seemed to be struggling with was his obvious attraction to Elise. She could feel it every time he touched her; she could see it in his eyes, every time he looked at her.
    Elise shivered and sighed. If she was honest she liked the attention he was giving her. She loved every moment she spent in his company, even if he seemed to be doing everything in his power to keep his distance from her.
    And this place! The ranch and the Montana landscape were beginning to seep into her, take possession of her thoughts. She was beginning to get used to the sounds and sensations of ranch life quicker than she would have thought possible. It seemed like a good life could be had here, if only Devlin and Elise could work out what their relationship meant. Of course it had started as a marriage in name only, but Elise shook her head in silent amazement when she thought about how quickly it had transformed into something more real, more intense, more romantic.
    She realized that she loved being watched by Devlin. So many times she'd caught him gazing at her, observing her, seemingly savoring the ordinary things that she did. And it felt good. Real

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