DRAWN by Marian Tee

Book: DRAWN by Marian Tee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marian Tee
playing house instead.
              But weirdly, she doesn’t give off Mom vibes, which even Kelly in her craziest phase does.
    Something about her nags at me. She reminds me of someone. She’s…
    Oh. Right.
    She’s a Wisteria Lane mom. Kelly and I watch Desperate Housewives together and it’s a term Kelly’s come up with. Wisteria Lane moms are scary, lovely creatures with more secrets, controversies, and scandals than the CIA.
              “Yuki?” she calls out.    
    “We’re here, Mom.”
    I’m impressed at how calm Yuki sounds. I hope I don’t have to speak anytime soon. My heartbeat is still a little abnormal and I’m scared that something in my face or voice will give me away.
              Her eyes widen in surprise when she sees me but she recovers quickly enough, an inquiring smile on her lips as she asks, “Won’t you introduce me to your friend, Yuki?”
              “Of course,” Yuki murmurs.
              His voice is flatter than usual, and I look at him in surprise.
              “ Senpai , this is my mom, Sascha.” His smile vanishes and his tone cools when he adds, “Mom, this is Katerina. We have Advanced Chemistry and Advanced Calculus together.”
              I frown at his introduction even as I get to my feet. He makes me sound like I’m so advanced in being such a know-it-all, too.
              If Sascha thinks the same, she doesn’t show it. “Pretty and smart,” is all she says with a charming smile.
              I find myself half-bowing even though I’m not sure I should. I’m totally unprepared for situations like this. “I’m, uh, glad to know you, Mrs. Himura.” I stumble over the words.
              Yuki’s mother laughs, a tinkling sound that’s just as perfect as her appearance. “Sascha please, and no need to bow, dear. We only stand in ceremony when we’re in Tokyo.” She glances at her watch. “I just came back to drop my things off and swap cars. Will you be all right on your own, Yuki?”
              “Of course.”
              “Wonderful. I’m so sorry to leave right away, Katerina. I hope we meet again.”
              “I, uhh, yes.” I smile weakly, wondering if she’s realized that this is my first time to meet a guy’s parents.
              A guy I’m snogging with.
              Sascha turns away but looks back just as she reaches for the security pad that unlocks the door from this side. “You should have her stay for dinner, Yuki.”
              “If she’s okay with it.”
              She nods, gives us another charming smile, and she’s gone, flitting off like some exotic high-maintenance butterfly you can’t ever catch.
              “So…” Yuki finally breaks the silence. “Want to stick around for dinner?”
              I look at him, and it’s my first time to see his baby blue eyes blank.
              A million questions race to my mind, but I don’t ask any one of them because I remember his words and I keep my promises. We won’t go down that road. Maybe we never will. I have to remember that I’m his toy, not his girlfriend.
              “Sure.” I try to keep my voice as light as possible. “But I have to call my parents first so they won’t wait for me.”
              He nods. “You can use that.” He gestures to the sleek black phone mounted on the wall, next to the light switches.
              My mom is embarrassingly curious when I tell her over the phone that I’m having dinner at a boy’s house.
              “Is he your boyfriend?” Kelly asks.
              “No, Mom. We’re just friends.”
              “Is he driving you back home?”
              “I want to meet him.”
              “What’s wrong about that?”

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