Elemental Flame
she shook her head. "Eh I can't remember. It was boring as hell."
    "To the point," I said. "Do you remember what the name was?"
    Ivan moved his hands about and the images increased in size. I couldn't read them because they were backwards. "Well these emails are discussing…artifacts. Was the name Akachi?"
    "Yes!" Dharma exploded. "Now I remember it 'cause I thought it was similar to Akasha. You know, like the Akashic Records?"
    Nodding, I moved to the table and put my hands on the surface, facing Ivan. "Can you send the emails to my computer?"
    "Better," Dharma said as she jumped up and grabbed a black backpack from the floor by the door to my office. "Ivan, send them to my Gmail account."
    Ivan didn't say anything. When he was online like this, I often considered how hard it must be to be in two places at once. In that world and this one. Dharma pulled a tablet from her pack and turned it on, then swiped it, and logged into her Gmail. There she had new mail from Ivan's ghost.
    We gathered around as she opened the attachments and then searched through by dates. "Looks like these emails between Arden and Blackwood started pretty heavily just after the new year. Here…this is the first one."
    I leaned in close to read, and felt my heart fall into my stomach.


    I hope this email finds you well. I know this is an unconventional way to contact you, but I'm afraid I don't have your most recent phone number. It's of an utmost urgent manner that I talk to you.

    Arden Vervain

    I must say I was surprised to hear from you. Especially since the last time you and I spoke, you called me a talentless old fool. But I am willing to let bygones be bygones and do humbly ask what it is you wish to talk to me about. I always enjoy having you indebted to me.

    Edmund Blackwood

    I have always been a child with a wild tongue as well as a wild heart. I miss our days together in Paris. And you must forgive my temper.

    What I have to ask of you may seem odd, on the surface. But the deeper meaning will become clear.

    I have entered into a contract I find myself unable to find a loophole out of. My part of this contract has now come due and though I am willing to fulfill it, I am at a loss as to how. The party I owe a debt to has asked me to procure something. And well frankly, Edmund, I don't know why they want it. I find it dull, irritating and a bit of a bore. I also don't know how to deliver it. So I turn to you to find some answers.

    Would you care to meet with me? The matter of this transaction is delicate and I need to speak with you face to face. Pick a place, dear Edmund, and I will be there.

    Dharma moved the next one up. "This one is a week later, and about the time Cromwell approached you about the Codex," she looked up at me.
    I nodded and kept reading.


    I have met with the target and I must say…I am impressed. The clues are subtle and if he is what I believe him to be, taking him will require cunning. You will need a certain artifact, a bow and quiver, and pray there is still at least one arrow left in that quiver. The set is called the Bow of Artemis. It was crafted by Artemis herself, and it is used to bring down the most powerful of creatures.
    The last time I saw this artifact was in Circe's home. I have planted the seeds for your procurement.

    I would advise you not to use the bow yourself as it has certain…drawbacks. Not to make a pun. Let the other party of your debt deal with those and I certainly don't recommend telling them.

    I wish you well, Arden Vervain, and I look forward to our land deal once you are made High Witch.

    Yours in the Power,

    I took a few steps back. I remembered that bow and quiver. Arden had it in her hands the day we invaded Circe's home. She insisted it was part of a collection of stolen artifacts, and I assumed her taking them was just another political play on her

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