
Enslaved by Ray Gordon Page A

Book: Enslaved by Ray Gordon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ray Gordon
Tags: Fiction, Erótica
bothering to instruct his slave to conceal her perspiring body with her gown, Barry hid his bondage equipment and snapped his fingers. 'What.. . what am I doing naked?' she asked, grabbing her gown. 'God, my bum really hurts!'
    'How do I know what you've been up to?' Barry returned indifferently. 'I've been upstairs. Look at your buttocks! What the hell have you been doing to yourself?'
    'I... I really don't know! God, I must have hurt my bum somehow! It's stinging like hell!' she complained, covering her naked body with the gown.
    'I must get back to work,' Barry snapped as he left the room and closed the door behind him.
    'Already?' she asked as he walked through the hall and slammed the front door shut. He'd gone, used her, fucked and whipped her - and gone.
    Alone at the table, Marianne recalled Barry's words. I'll invite John round this evening. I'll spy on you from the dining room, through the serving hatch! 'He's a fucking bastard!' she hissed through gritted teeth as she rubbed her sore buttocks. 'He's a fucking perverted bastard!'
    A tear rolling down her flushed cheek, she wondered what she'd become, what sort of person she really was. Although she wished she'd never begun the pretence, never thought of the ridiculous idea of a trigger word, she couldn't deny the immense sexual pleasure she'd derived from her exploits. If only I had a word to use on Barry, she mused as the phone rang. A word that really worked!
    'It's me, Jill!' came the bubbly lesbian's voice as Marianne answered the phone. 'I was just wondering what you were doing this morning?'
    'Er... nothing much, why?'
    'Fancy coming over to my place for a ... for a chat?'
    Shaking her head and bitmg her lip despairingly, Marianne was about to decline the offer. She'd had more than enough sex for one day! But, hearing another girl giggling in the background, her heart leapt at the thought of being attended by two young lesbians.
    'Give me half an hour or so,' she replied. 'I'll have a quick shower and then come over.'
    'Great!' Jill responded excitedly. 'I've a friend here I want you to meet.'
    'Really? Who's that?'
    'Just a girlfriend. See you soon, and be quick!'
    Somewhat anxious to see me! Marianne laughed inwardly as she replaced the receiver, wondering again what it would be like to have two young girls attending her naked body. Anxious to see me naked! Suddenly remembering Barry saying that he'd ask John to call round that evening, Marianne held her hand to her mouth and gasped. 'I'm nothing more than a sex object! God, this is getting way out of hand!'
    Arriving at Jill's flat wearing a red suede miniskirt and loose-fitting blouse, Marianne found herself torn, yet again, between her new way of life, the incredible sex, and her old boring but comfortable and secure existence. But when Jill opened the door, her pretty, angelic face beaming, her firm young breasts pert, ballooning her tight top, Marianne knew that she had to enter the flat and experience a lesbian threesome. I might never have the chance again, she mused as she followed Jill into the lounge. Opportunities don't always come twice.
    'Marianne, this is Lydia,' Jill introduced her friend. Smiling, her heart fluttering, Marianne shook the beautiful young girl's hand. In her late teens, with long black hair and deep, dark eyes radiating a child-like innocence, the girl appealed to Marianne - certainly her curvaceous body appealed to Marianne.
    Lydia's legs were long, shapely, her thighs unblemished in youth. Her red leather microskirt barely covering the swell of her panties as she stood with her feet apart, jufting her hips forward, she radiated an uncanny sexual charisma that Marianne had never encountered before. But were the dark mirrors of her soul reflecting innocence? Marianne wondered, gazing into the girl's eyes. Or was there a powerful sexual desire twinkling there? A lesbian sexual desire lurking?
    'Pleased to meet you,' Marianne replied warmly. Turning to Jill, she smiled

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