Evacuee Boys

Evacuee Boys by John E. Forbat

Book: Evacuee Boys by John E. Forbat Read Free Book Online
Authors: John E. Forbat
like you to explain to him by letter that it is not for him to go back.
    My examinations are starting next Monday & will continue until Wed. Dec. 11th. In the meanwhile pray for my success – it will be hard going.
    I hope that Mummy has recovered from the bad shock on that Friday night when 6 bombs were dropped round you. Still, I hope that you have a safe shelter to go to, & that you are getting a little sleep at night in spite of the rat. Cheer up & chin up!

    Well, I cannot think anything more to write about so lots & lots of love & kisses from Andrew

    P.S. I have not yet received the trousers, socks handkerchiefs & ties.

    … continued by John
    Dear Mum and Dad,

    I thank you with all my heart for the 10/- and the cake. I bought a sheath knife and I’ve got 5/- in the savings, and a few other things I have not received the trousers etc. yet nor has Andrew. Mrs. Robbins invited Andrew to tea on Tuesday and she made two jellies and some fancy cakes. Are you all right? Have there been many raids? We are fine.

    Lots of love from

    5 December 1940 – in best copperplate handwriting
    Dearest Mother,

    Let me, first of all, wish you a long and very happy life for your birthday. May the God Almighty grant you very much better years in the future than the last few have been, and may we all live together in happiness for the rest of our lives. May you have nothing but pleasure from your children, who will always do their best to give it to you, and may sorrow and worry be kept far from you, and it is my earnest prayer that we may all live together happily, without worry and in health as long as it please the Almighty.
    I am afraid I cannot buy you any presents, not even the seven stalks of red roses, that you so like. But as a mark of my love, I am sending you my birthday greetings in my best manuscript writing. (If I can so as well to-morrow for the manuscript writing examination then I shall not worry.)
    I have a little good news for you, because up to the present I have done quite well in the examinations, and should get a credit in most subjects. Up to now we had or Book-keeping, English, Literature and Mathematics.
    I am sorry to mention that there is bad news too. John’s middle left fingernail had to be taken off yesterday morning, because it turned sceptic [sic] underneath. It turned rather bad during Tuesday night, and when, on Wednesday morning he went too the hospital about it, Dr. Spence & Dr. Woodhouse gave him gas and took his fingernail off. He was well enough to-day to go to school, but he does not look too well, and he could do with some tonic.
    Well, lots of good luck and many, many happy returns from your loving


    … continued by John – also in best copperplate writing
    Dear Mum and Dad,

    I wish Mum many happy returns of the day. Let God let you have 100 years and more in happiness, health and comfort. I am sorry I have no mony to buy you anything this year and I hope that you will forgive me.
    If Andrew comes home for Christmas and the air-raids are not too bad will you please let me go with him.
    We received the trousers etc. on Friday the 29 tell Uncle Eugene that I thank him for the socks. And I thank you for the trousers they are warm.
    I had to go up to the hospital yesterday as I have a septic finger. I was laid down on a bed and had gas to make me unconscious while they took my nail off as the septic part of my finger was right by it. The gas made me sick when I came home, so I went to bed that afternoon.
    How are you getting on in the air-raids? I hope you are well. We’ve had a few warnings lately but nothing has happened.

    Lots of love and 1000000001 kisses from your loving son

    … continued by John – written in Hungarian
    Dear Noni,

    Thank you very much for the tie and the handkerchief they were very nice and I was very pleased with them. Do not be afraid of the raids. I hope that I shall see you soon. Was your birthday nice? Write and tell me.

    I send 999999

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