Fallen Blood

Fallen Blood by Martin C. Sharlow Page B

Book: Fallen Blood by Martin C. Sharlow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Martin C. Sharlow
Tags: Young Adult, Vampires
Heather, Brian didn't have a clue. His needs were different from typical males his age. He had a need to bond, and be a part of the person he would choose. He had never met a vampire himself, but he had a feeling that if there were more than him, they mated for life. However long that would be for them, and in this case, for him.

    The rush lasted for what seemed an eternity, but when it was over, the hunger was still there. It was the one thing he hated about what he was. The hunger never seemed to be sated. No matter how much he ate, it never went away. Oh, he could ignore it. That was easy enough, at least at first. But, the longer he went without, the harder it became, until it ceased to be a hunger and became a pounding pain in his head, that almost never went away. Brian ripped the plastic package open by the seams and licked it clean. After all, there was no reason to waste any of it. He stuck the plastic back into the empty box of cereal and walked back to the fridge. The temptation to take more was strong, but he didn't know when or if he would be getting any more from his aunt. The reality was, that if he were a suspect, then he doubted they would just let her come to his house and deliver supplies. He wasn't even sure where she got the stuff. He assumed she worked at a hospital or a blood bank. He didn't know. He also didn't know why he could never travel to her. The few times he had tried had ended before they started. When he had asked about it to his mother, she had said something cryptic about his auntie not wanting him to disturb her.

    Whatever that meant. So he had just left it at that. Now, he found himself wondering about the whole thing, especially after his encounter with the basement that he could not enter. A mystery he told himself he would have to investigate when got the chance.

    He was going to have to figure out what to do with his garbage as well. He wouldn't be able to take out the trash any more, and he certainly couldn't burn it or bury it. For now, he would just have to keep it with the rest. He stuck the empty box of cereal back into the fridge. Crossing the room to one of the small rectangular windows that lined the wall near the ceiling he peeked out at the night sky, which was quickly getting brighter. A glance up and down the street revealed no sign of police or black SUVs. That was a bit strange. Could it be that they don't consider him a suspect? One would think that the agent's employer would at least be looking around for him after having two of their men disappear. Four, really, even if they looked so similar. Well, he wasn't going to complain about his good fortune. If they weren't looking for him, then his house might just be safe enough to come back to for food. If not, he would just have to find some other source. For some reason, that thought sent a thrill through him. It was disturbing.

    Well, I better get back, but first... he ran upstairs to his room and rummaged through his things until he found a reasonably clean shirt and pants that he changed into. Finding a comfortable space for him to relax, he repeated the process that brought him to his home.

    The trip back seemed to take forever, and he felt as if he were straining to get to his destination. He considered the fact that the sunlight might actually be hindering him in someway, and he began to worry what would happen if the sun were actually completely up. Would he be trapped in someway here in limbo or would it just become too much of a drain on him to continue? Either way, he couldn't afford to see what would happen. Heather needed him, and he needed to get back to her, now . The hotel room came into view just as he finished the thought. All around him were uniformed police. The hotel room must have had seven at least.

    "Heather," Brian mumbled to himself. "How did they find her?"

    Outside he saw his dream girl sitting in the back of a police cruiser. A dozen police were walking around. Two were talking to the

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