Falling (The Falling Angels Saga)

Falling (The Falling Angels Saga) by E. Van Lowe Page A

Book: Falling (The Falling Angels Saga) by E. Van Lowe Read Free Book Online
Authors: E. Van Lowe
it, and it feels right. Someone needs to give voice to the mathletes and others like them…. Like me.”
    Guy lifted my chin. He was smiling into my eyes. “You can’t get everyone to like you, Megan. I know that’s what you want, but it doesn’t work that way in the mortal world.”
    “Why not?” I said in a whiny voice. I rested my head on his shoulder. “That would make things so much easier.”
    “It would,” he replied. “But actions have consequences. That’s how it is. If you do the right thing, you’re going to make enemies.” Still holding my chin, he kissed me gently on the lips. I went all gushy inside. “You’ll do just fine. Have a wonderful day.”
    His words made me smile, and when I got out of the car, I was practically floating. I knew that despite the difficult conversations to come, with Guy’s kiss fresh on my lips, I was going to have a good day.
    As I approached the locker area, I saw that Maudrina had already arrived. That brought me back to earth— fast! She was changing out books and hadn’t seen me approaching. At the sight of her, I wanted to turn around, go back outside and tell Guy to drive me away. Instead, I continued to my locker.
    You’re going to have a good day… you’re going to have a good day… you’re going to have a good day…
    She looked up when my locker banged open. “You’re here,” she said. Her face was filled with concern.
    “I’m here.” Although I wish I weren’t.
    “I was so worried about you. I called you all night.”
    I realized my battery must have died, and I’d forgotten to put my phone on the charger. “I didn’t know.” I took a breath. Time to apologize. “I’m fine. And I’m so, so sorry. I’d never knowingly do anything to hurt Aunt Jaz.” A knot formed in my chest.
    “I know that. And so does Aunt Jaz. We don’t blame you. And if it makes you feel any better, she was up and about an hour after you left. She’s definitely going home today.” A sweet smile crossed her lips. “I knew she was better the moment she started complaining to the nurse about the food.”
    We both laughed. The knot in my chest loosened. “She did?” I asked.
    Maudrina nodded. “She asked the nurse if they made the food taste so bad so that people would want to go home sooner. She said if that was their plan, it definitely worked on her.”
    “That’s our Aunt Jaz,” I said, picturing her laughing her boisterous laugh.
    Maudrina’s eyes turned serious. “It’s because of you she’s better, Megan. It’s because of you we found the gris gris.”
    “No, it isn’t.”
    “Yes, it is! I thought badly about Erin just as you did. But I was so embarrassed that I suspected her, I would never have voiced it.”
    “And I did,” I said darkly. “Seems I was wrong.”
    “True. But that’s what led us to the gris gris.”
    “And the gris gris led us to me.”
    The first bell rang.
    “No, finding the gris gris led us to saving Aunt Jaz. Don’t beat yourself up, Megan. We don’t blame you,” she repeated. “Stop blaming yourself.”
    I took a deep, cleansing breath. She was right. Aunt Jaz was better, and they forgave me. No sense beating myself up over it. Besides, I had good news. With Guy watching over me I knew I’d never do anything like that again. “Let’s pick this up at lunch. I have something to tell you,” I said.
    “Oh?” Maudrina said, concern spreading across her face.
    “No, no. It’s a good thing. Very good,” I said with a big grin.
    “Ooh, a surprise. I can’t wait.”
    “Me, either.”
    When we parted, I noticed there weren’t any knots in my shoulders, no lumps in my throat. I was smiling. So far, the day was turning out to be as good as I had hoped—of course, I hadn’t run into Ashley Scott or any of the Poplarati yet. But still.
    I got to stat class early for a change. Tran and Jenny were both in their seats, but neither seemed to notice me. The silent treatment. This passive aggressive behavior was

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