Falling (The Falling Angels Saga)

Falling (The Falling Angels Saga) by E. Van Lowe Page B

Book: Falling (The Falling Angels Saga) by E. Van Lowe Read Free Book Online
Authors: E. Van Lowe
usually a girl-on-girl thing. I felt if Tran were participating in the silent treatment, Jenny had put him up to it.
    When class ended, Tran and Jenny hurriedly packed their things to make a quick escape. Not once during class had Tran glanced back in my direction. Weeds of anger sprouted within me. Why are they treating me the way they don’t want anyone to treat them? I started taking deep breaths. Anger was a sure-fire way to bring out my dark side. I needed to keep it under wraps. I blew out my anger in a breathy sigh.
    I wanted to tell them I’d changed my mind about running, but by the time I’d gathered my things, they were gone. As I looked up and down the corridor hoping to spot them, I again felt the anger weeds trying to dig in. Maybe I shouldn’t run for office. It’d serve them right.
    “No,” I said softly. I shouldn’t follow their lead.
    As I approached my French classroom, I could see Ashley, Heather, and several other girls gathered outside the classroom door. Heather spotted me coming their way and pointed. Ashley looked up and narrowed her eyes. My moment of truth was at hand.
    Today’s going to be a good day , I again told myself and smiled as I walked up to them.
    “Okay, Megan. I’m beginning to feel you’ve been lying to me.” Ashley’s arms were folded across her chest. Her eyes, like lasers, burned into me. I could feel the heat.
    No sense going for the dumb act— Lying? Lying about what?
    All that would do was delay the inevitable. Time to fess up.
    “I haven’t been lying to you, Ashley.” The girls with Ashley were all well dressed, all staring at me with looks that could kill.
    “You still haven’t withdrawn!” she shrieked, talking with her hands. She took a menacing step toward me.
    “I know. I’ve… I’ve changed my mind.” I nearly swallowed the last word, but now that it was out, it actually felt good.
    Ashley’s expression went from one of anger to total befuddlement. “WHAT?”
    “Told you,” Heather limned.
    Ashley moved in closer, invading all my personal space. The other girls closed in around me. If it was meant to intimidate, it worked. Forget what I thought about feeling good. They were frightening me, and it did not feel good!
    “I figured what’s the harm in a little friendly competition. Right?” I was smiling, even though I was trembling on the inside. “I mean—” She held up a hand, silencing me.
    “First off, there’s no such thing as friendly competition. Whoever told you that is a bigger idiot than you are. Secondly, there is no competition when it comes to you and me. Do you really think you can compete with me ?” She laughed. It was a derisive laugh that put nasty smiles on the other girls’ faces. Heather was nodding, as if it were about time Ashley had finally put me in my place.
    The anger rose inside me like Old Faithful about to blow. I didn’t want to blow, but as usual, the anger came up out of nowhere, and my ears literally began to burn as I struggled to hold it in. I stroked my earlobes with my thumbs and forefingers to release the heat. Yet I knew restraining myself was a losing battle. The ugly words were gathering in my mind like a swarm of killer bees about to spew forth from my lips in an all-out verbal assault.
    “Hey Megan, what’s up?”
    The familiar voice from behind froze my thoughts. It was as if my mind had gone into suspended animation.
    “Hope I’m not interrupting anything important.” Guy walked up and wrapped his arms around me from behind. He rested his chin atop my head, looking at Ashley and the others with what I’m sure was his patented smile.

    Chapter Nine
    “Guy Matson,” said Ashley. Her voice was flat and emotionless. But no girl can resist Guy’s charms for long. “When did you get back in town?” She was smiling now. They all were. Ashley’s was a saccharine smile, as if there were still a bad taste in her mouth.
    The anger within me retreated as quickly as it had

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