Finding YOU Finding ME (You & Me Trilogy Book 2)

Finding YOU Finding ME (You & Me Trilogy Book 2) by Kailin Gow Page A

Book: Finding YOU Finding ME (You & Me Trilogy Book 2) by Kailin Gow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kailin Gow
scarred him for life. Before then, she abused him, beat him, and took out all
her frustrations on him. Poor Collins,” Gail shook her head. “In his mind, he’s
blocked out all those years, and believed she died when he was very young.”
must harbor so many feelings for her, I can imagine,” I said. My poor poor
sweet Collins. I could imagine how this beautiful blonde angelic little boy had
to grow up watching his mother get wasted, beat him, and then having too
support her and him by prostituting himself as a young teen. He associated love
with being beaten, and then being prostituted out. No wonder why he sought out
love in any way he could find it, even if it was from lovers who wanted to beat
him or get beaten by him. I shuddered, thinking about the Production Room.
though Gail knew where my thoughts were, she asked. “Did you two finally…?”
blushed. It was almost like my mother asking that question, but with my mother,
with all her flaws, it was easier to say the truth. “He brought me to the point
of release twice,” I said.
have improved,” Gail said, looking impressed. “You should be proud with how
you’re able to get so far with being intimate with someone when before, it
brought nothing by terrorizing fear.”
had to smile about that. “That’s because Collins is very very good in bed,” I
said. “When I’m with him, it’s like nothing else matters. We’re in a world all
by ourselves. I’ve never felt this way before. I’ve never felt this way about
anyone.” I bit my lips, not wanting to get emotional in Gail’s office. “I
wished I trusted him earlier so we could have gotten past all of this faster,
but I can’t worry about that now. How’s Collins? Why did he call you?” I asked.
I said, he’s terrified you’re going to leave him. He’s so worried you’ll be so
scared of him to the point of leaving him forever.”
threw down my arms in frustration. “I would never do that because…”
need to talk to him,” Gail said. “But first, I’m headed out to see him. He
wanted to meet me for an emergency session at my Newport Beach office alone.
Just him, which I think is a good idea since having you there when he’s
vulnerable like that will only make him retreat further. But afterwards when I
can get him out of his Daggers stage, you should talk to him and reassure him
of your love and acceptance. That’s what he’s craving, Sam. Love and acceptance
from the woman he loves.” Gail took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I’ve
been his therapist for a few years, ever since he found me when I had my
practice. He was already pretty successful, and I knew who he was. But he’s had
such a tough childhood and life up to now. All the women he’s ever known and
loved in his life have failed him, Sam. I know it’s a lot to ask, and I’m
setting aside my professional hat and wearing my personal one…could you give
him a chance? Not only does he have an intense connection to you, but an
emotional one. Somehow something about you make him want to reach out to you,
to become a better man.”
try,” I said. “I can’t give up on Collins. I admit to being scared of going
into that dark corner with him, Gail…I mean I don’t know anything about sex or
the kind of stuff he’s into…but I love him and I…”
got up, came around her desk, and put her two hands on my shoulders. “I know,
and that’s why I believe you can pull him out of it. I’ve never met a young
woman with inner strength and resilience like you. You fall down, but you get
back up. You didn’t choose the easy road, going to Stanford and moving away, for
a reason. You chose to stay. There’s something there to be said.” She gave me a
knowing smile.
from Gail, who have seen so much, met so many people, and what I aspired to be
as a counselor one day, that meant a lot. I was speechless. I could only nod.
gathered her purse and

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