Sleepless in Savannah

Sleepless in Savannah by Rita Herron

Book: Sleepless in Savannah by Rita Herron Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rita Herron
she wanted marriage and family—her money pit of a house proved that. And he had been there and done the family part by raising his sister and brother....
    "I didn't ask any questions," Lance said, indicating the case. "And in spite of what you think of me, I am not into kinky stuff like that."
    "I... this can't be right." Her hand trembled as she reached for the kitchen chair. He pulled it out for her and she fell into it, looking lost and pale. "She... told me she was working for a new company selling bath oils and lotions and other romantic products."
    He quirked an eyebrow toward a package of grape-flavored condoms sticking from one of the plush folds of the case. "Romantic?"
    Sophie snapped the lid closed. "My sister has a vivid imagination."
    "Maybe I should worry about Reid instead of the other way around."
    He'd gone too far with that one. Sophie suddenly stood and pushed at his chest. "You'd better go, Lance."
    He caught her hand, and her breath fanned his cheek. She was such a petite woman, so fragile-looking, yet so feisty. Her green eyes sparkled beneath the dim light in the kitchen, her milky-white skin golden from her trip to the beach. His body thrummed with arousal, the sultry scent of her exotic perfume sending his senses into a dizzying spiral. He wanted to taste her, to touch her, to revel in the heat that spiked a fever in his body every time he was near her. Why her?
    Why Sophie, with the big green eyes and the temper and the house that screamed for a husband and kids?
    Her long black lashes fluttered, and he lowered his head anyway. Her rosy lips were just a hairbreadth away. Then they were touching. Gently. Softly. Tenderly. His lips just barely brushed against hers. It wasn't enough. His hand snaked into her hair, and he dragged her mouth to his. A breathy sigh escaped her as he claimed her mouth. Then he flicked at her lips with his tongue, nibbling at the edges, begging entrance. The sweet sensations of her kiss tortured him, the hunger that rose inside him raw and so primal that Lance growled and took the kiss to another level, searching, exploring, savoring each delicious foray his tongue made.
    But then Sophie pulled away.
    She stumbled backward, her eyes wild with emotions as she pressed a hand to her mouth. To savor his kiss or erase it?
    "You have to go, Lance. I... I can't do this."
    He swallowed hard, knowing she was right, although his heart pounded in his chest and his body throbbed with the need to have her. Restless energy and desire exploded inside him, irrational fear seeping through. He wanted her but he couldn't give her the things she wanted. The settle-down man she deserved.
    He'd come here to repair her house. He had to keep his hands off everything else.
    His voice sounded gruff when he finally collected himself enough to speak. "I... I can't let you stay here alone."
    She shook her head, fluttering long red fingernails through her dark hair. "Lance, you made it clear you didn't want to date me. And I thought I made it clear that I felt the same way."
    He closed his eyes and ran a hand over his neck. "I meant because of the door."
    When he looked back up, hurt darkened the light green of her eyes to a shade near black. Guilt slammed into him again. He couldn't get it right with this woman.
    Because you're not right for her.
    He wanted different things in life, and being a Southern-bred boy at heart, he was too much of a gentleman to take what he wanted without giving back. And he didn't have enough to give....
    "I'll sack out on the couch. I—"
    "No. I can take care of myself, Lance. I don't need a man to protect me." She gestured toward the cat, who rounded the corner, pausing to snarl at Lance. "Besides, I have Jazzy."
    "Right, psycho cat. Some protection."
    "We'll be fine."
    He started to open his mouth to argue. Would she really jeopardize her and her sister's safety to get rid of him?
    Muttering beneath her breath about not wanting his Southern macho type around, she snagged

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