Finding You (Finding You Series Book 1)

Finding You (Finding You Series Book 1) by Amanda Mackey

Book: Finding You (Finding You Series Book 1) by Amanda Mackey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Mackey
down. Breathe and just take each moment at a time. Grabbing a glass from the cupboard I filled it with water and chugged it down, not stopping until there was nothing left. I gripped the edge of the counter, willing my heart to slow. I was going to have another meltdown if I wasn’t careful.
    My thoughts flicked to my parents. They would never in a million years believe that a movie actor was showering in my hut at this very moment. They would no doubt be thinking I’d be spending good quality time on my own, licking my wounds. As I should be!
    When Kyle was around though I couldn’t ignore the pull I felt tugging me towards him. It was beyond my control. My inner voice was fighting me tooth and nail but I could feel my resolve slipping.
    Hearing the shower switch off sent me into a tailspin. Where to sit? How to look? Should I change? Suddenly I was nervous. Actually, nervous didn’t even come close. My stomach was roiling and my legs felt weak. I really shouldn’t be contemplating the idea of having Kyle in my hut. What did I expect to happen? He was a hot-blooded man and I was an okay looking woman. We were alone and I was in my frigging bathrobe! Was I getting in way over my head?
    Eying my partial manuscript spread out on the table, I moved over to it and shuffled the papers together into a neat pile, looking for something else to do with my trembling hands. Flowers! That’s good. I fiddled with the arrangement, pulling them out and putting them back in, not really changing the appearance of them but happy I was doing something.
    I looked around the room for something else. Anything else! I spotted my bra on the floor near the bed and raced over, swooping it up and throwing it in my case before hearing a noise and turning.
    Kyle materialized at the bathroom door looking extremely delicious. His robe was loosely tied at the waist, revealing his hairless, bronzed chest. His eyes had darkened and held the promise of something I may not be ready for. Things were moving so fast. Adrenalin coursed through me and I wasn’t sure if it was fear or anticipation. Shit!
    “That feels better,” Kyle revealed, walking over to me with a swagger.
    I could feel my pulse thumping in my ears and my chest seemed to vibrate with the force. My hands had gone all clammy.
    Oh, so gently, Kyle slipped his hand around my tiny waist and drew me to him. His clean, freshly washed skin smelled of the lavender soap in the shower. It did little to quell my nerves.
    He reached up and touched my face, letting the tenderness of his skin glide over my features. There were no callouses on his hands from physical work, only soft pads that were making small circles on my cheeks.
    Okay, you need to put your big girl panties on and give in to this. It feels right. He won’t hurt you. He’s too gentle for that. You kissed him last night, for heaven’s sake!
    His mouth moved to within inches of mine and hovered, making no attempt to claim me yet, which was nice. It allowed me to soak up his touch and try to relax. Maybe that was his intention because I’m sure he could read my apprehension clearly.
    “Does that feel nice?” His breathless words touched my lips while his fingers still feathered my face.
    “Yes.” And it did. Never had I been held or caressed in such a way before. It was like he was worshipping me and I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why. It didn’t make sense.
    Don’t over think it, Dakota. Just go with it. Feel it.
    I shouldn’t have had to repeat the mantra in my head over and over but that is the way things were for me. I had to try and convince myself that I was worthy.
    “I’d really like to kiss you.” It was more him asking my permission than a bold statement. I knew how he kissed and had been thinking about it all day, so almost imperceptibly, I nodded. It was enough for Kyle to close the gap. I tasted his warm, soft lips against mine as butterflies flapped madly in my stomach.
    I brought my hands up to rest

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