Forever Black (Nightwalkers 2)

Forever Black (Nightwalkers 2) by H.N. Sieverding

Book: Forever Black (Nightwalkers 2) by H.N. Sieverding Read Free Book Online
Authors: H.N. Sieverding
locked the maid
in the bathroom.
    Ashleigh's fingers shook as she slipped into the maid's
uniform. It was very tight because she was much taller and curvy than the maid.
Her hefty cleavage was hard to squeeze in and overflowed around the collar.
Luckily the shoes were only slightly too small, which she was grateful for.
    With a final twist of her long hair into a tight bun, she
was ready to make a run for it. The door was still open a crack, but when she
left the room, she shut it tightly.
    There were a few people in the hall, and Ashleigh kept her
head down as she passed. She didn't know who they were, but most were dressed
in plain clothes and spoke Kresterian , a language she
knew little of. None of them regarded her strangely, although a few did check
out her sexy attire.
    Even though her heart was racing, she was determined to
escape. In the pocket of her dress, she could feel a set of keys and a cell
phone. She hoped the keys were for a car parked outside. The walk downstairs
seemed to take forever, and though the castle was beautiful, she didn't stop to
admire the scenery.
    Once she was outside, she glanced at the logo on the keys. A
small smile graced her lips when she recognized it. She tried several vehicles
until she found the right one. A deep sigh was released from her lips as her
bottom hit the ripped leather seats.
    Her hand turned the key, and she slowly pulled away from the
castle. She had no idea where she was going. When she was a safe distance away
and traveling down the dark and desolate road, she took out the phone and
dialed Caleb's number.
    He quickly picked up, his voice distracted,
"Hello?" There was a lot of noise in the background. It sounded like
he was getting ready for a concert. A man was screaming orders.
    "Caleb!" Ashleigh's face filled with a huge smile
when she heard his voice. "It's me!"
    "Hey! You're okay! Where—"
    "I need help." She glanced at the street sign, but
it was in a language she couldn't read. "I just ran away from the Count
and stole someone's car. Now, I have no idea where I am." She tried not to
cry as she sniffled. "And I-I'm so scared, Caleb."
    "Just calm down, babe." The sounds in the
background grew fainter. "Where are you?"
    "I don't know." Her hands gripped the steering
wheel tightly and were the only part of her body that wasn't shaking. "I'm
in some foreign country."
    "Maybe Krest ?"
    "Maybe." She glanced at another sign she passed,
squinting as she struggled to make it out. "Caleb…" She began to
whine, her voice wet, "Help me."
    "I will. I just don't know where you are. Let's figure
that out first."
    "Don't you know where the Count lives?"
    "Why not?"
    "Are you in town?"
    "Can you get to one? When you get there, ask where the
nearest airport is. If you get to the airport, I can help you from there."
    "What about a passport? I don't have one of
    "Don't worry about that stuff. Just check out the
nearest town and find the airport." He let out a small sigh. "I've
got to get back, but I'll find a way to get you home. I promise."
    He attempted to sound upbeat, "I love you, babe."
    "I love you, too." She paused at a stop sign. Her
eyes darted quickly back and forth. "Do you think everything will be
    "Sure it will. Tomorrow night, I'll be banging you in
my dressing room." He forced a laugh. "Before and after the concert."
    "Sounds good."
    "Sounds awesome!"
    "But what happens after that?" She started driving
down the road again.
    "I don't know yet, but it'll involve you sucking my
    "Stop playing around." She didn't laugh at his
joke as she briefly glanced down at the gas gauges. Her hand reached down and
turned up the heat because she was freezing. "I meant with us."
    "Well, I still want to marry you, but—"
    " Okay ?"
Someone was screaming his name in the background, but Caleb was more focused on
his phone call. "Really? You will?"
    "Yeah. I'm ready now." She bit her lip as she
thought of what his face looked like

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