Found: One Secret Baby

Found: One Secret Baby by Nancy Holland

Book: Found: One Secret Baby by Nancy Holland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nancy Holland
private test to make sure the previous one is valid.”
    His pompous tone made her straighten up from the slump caused by the elderly couch.
    “Valid? How could it not be valid?”
    “There are ways to cheat on DNA tests.”
    She frowned. “How?”
    “Since we don’t have any DNA from the child’s mother, you could have sent in any male DNA and there’d be no way for anyone to tell.”
    “You mean you think I’d cheat on something like that? What kind of world do you live in, Mr. Danby?”
    “A world where you’ve already lied to me about whether Joey even existed or not. Is it that big a step to cheating in order to keep his grandmother from making a legitimate claim for him?”
    Shame twisted through Rosalie’s belly. “I see. And Joey’s grandmother sent you all the way from Boston on the off-chance I’d figured out how to beat the system on this?”
    “I’m in town on business.”
    His words reminded her of the night of her mother’s opening and the magic that had blossomed between them. She stifled a sigh.
    “You seem to be here a lot.”
    “Danby Holding Company is in the process of acquiring an L.A. start-up.”
    Now he sounded like a business news soundbite.
    “How nice for you. How many millions do you intend to cheat the current owners out of? Or is it billions these days?”
    “I’m not here to discuss the integrity of my company’s business practices.”
    “Oh, that’s right. You’re here to question my integrity.”
    For a minute Morgan’s cool look was replaced with the heat of genuine anger, but before Rosalie could react, the mask of polite indifference was firmly back in place.
    “If we could get on with this, Ms. Walker.” He opened the sealed plastic bag and took out two swabs.
    “Not one of those immediate-results things, is it?”
    “No. It’s the same lab test your doctor used. Less room for error. I’ll probably need your help opening the boy’s mouth.”
    “Good guess. He bit the nurse who did it the last time. Twice.” She allowed herself a grin at the strained expression on Morgan’s face. “Wouldn’t you like me to change him first?”
    Morgan had clearly forgotten the earlier telltale noises. “That might be a good idea.”
    “Would you like to do it? More uncle practice.”
    “Er, no.”
    She grinned again and picked up Joey, who had been watching them solemnly and sucking on his hand.
    “We’ll be a few minutes. Make yourself at home.” The words were more a reflex than an invitation, but she enjoyed the look of discomfort they brought to Morgan’s face.
    Such a handsome face. She sighed as she carried her precious and smelly burden out of the room.
    As soon as Morgan was alone again, the cats reappeared. The one he thought was Sylvester sniffed the toes of his shoes, then lay down across his feet. The spotted one, Smudge, leapt up beside him, climbed up again to touch the black spot on his nose to Morgan’s cheek, then spread himself across Morgan’s lap.
    Morgan started to shoo it away, but a few more white cat hairs on his black suit wouldn’t make it all that much worse. Besides, the gentle rumble of the cat’s purr was strangely calming.
    Which reminded him of how strangely calming it had been to hold Joey, and how the kid’s face had glowed with joy as they’d danced around the room.
    Maybe Lillian had a point when she’d suggested he should be the one to have custody of Joey. He couldn’t marry Felicity, but his stepmother wouldn’t be aware of how much easier it was now for single people, even single men, to adopt a child.
    Of course, he’d need to get a good nanny. One he could trust to put Joey’s well-being above everything else. He wouldn’t be able to travel as much on business. And it would put a severe crimp in his social life.
    He was still mentally listing pros and cons when Rosalie and Joey reappeared. Red corduroy had replaced the kid’s jeans and Rosalie’s hair had come partway out of whatever she’d used to pull it

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