Frozen Holidays 1& 2 Eudorus and Zelus
despite his wishes to the contrary. When she helps
him escape, he begins to discover she isn’t anything like he
thought her to be.
    Origin continues to try to bring the gods
back under their control and rogue agents with their own plans are
added to the mix. The gods deal with the US military, spies in
their midst, and are offered another captured Origin lab to use for
their own needs. Zeus offers this to the demons but Lu wants to
think about it.
    Several of the other gods suspect they’ve
found their mates but they aren’t sure yet. Some of them wonder if
they’ll ever be truly free of Origin and if they’ll ever have the
things that other people take for granted.
    Frozen Origin 3-Hades
    In Hades, more gods are freed and brought
home. A new trend is developing with Origin. They are farming gods
out singly to small groups and individuals making it harder to
track them. Hades and Doc search for a god that was verified in the
possession of an unidentified party. Their mission was largely
unsuccessful and they returned to Olympus without the god they had
searched for. Was he still alive? They believed he was but the
search would have to start all over from scratch. They refused to
give up until he was free or confirmed dead.
    Frozen Origin Quickies-Morpheus
    Farmed out to a particularly loathsome female
researcher, Morpheus only wants to die so he can be free from the
pain and the desire of the vindictive female who tortures him when
he refuses to service her. Eventually his fellow gods find him but
there are so many more out there in situations similar or even
worse than his.

    Emma Norton, Dr. Emma Norton, looked into the
eyes of the two year old child she had been raising as if she were
her own. It was only fair since it was her fault that that her
mother had died giving birth. It was just one of a long list of
sins that she had to atone for and with the break down of Origin
and the development of these small research groups as they
were being called, now was the time to begin to plan the end. She’d
not ever thought of herself as cold, but now she saw she had been
and distant as well. It was like she’d thought nothing bad was
going on if she chose not to acknowledge it.
    Her parents had been the academic types
completely absorbed by their work. She had been an accident but
they had chosen to have her hoping she would take their work to the
next generation and beyond. A living legacy of sorts but they would
have been disappointed because she had gone into another field
entirely, DNA. They had died when she was barely a teenager. Their
study had turned deadly and they hadn’t left the volcano fast
enough and their passion had literally burned them up.
    She herself had also been a victim of their
research. While they studied a volcano near a small primitive
village, she had gotten an illness unknown of in the rest of the
world. She had survived, but she was almost completely deaf. It may
have been part of the reason she rejected their life’s work. An
implant later in life had aided in her struggle to be part of the
world around her.
    Joy said, “Mommy.” She looked into that
precious face and knew it was time. Now, before another moment
passed. She picked up her cell phone. Not the one she usually used
but the burner cell she had bought just for this purpose. She
almost dropped it when someone answered.
    “Hello, gods of Olympus hotline. This is
Zelus speaking.”


Chapter 1
    Zelus sat at his desk in the room where the
hotlines were manned and his mouth was slightly open. The look of
surprise was plastered on his face. The first thought was, this was
a joke of some sort, but what if it wasn’t?
    “Ma’am, I can give you immunity if your
information and assistance leads us to reclaim two gods. The
situation with the child is more than I personally can guarantee
but I can get someone here that does have that power.”
    “I’ll have to call you back. Tomorrow at the
same time, okay?

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