Full Circle (Avalon: Web of Magic #12)

Full Circle (Avalon: Web of Magic #12) by Rachel Roberts Page B

Book: Full Circle (Avalon: Web of Magic #12) by Rachel Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Roberts
    “Looks like someone’s home,” Kara noted.
    Adriane signaled for silence and pointed. An arched iron gate cut through the wall like the clenched teeth of a great beast. Quietly, the mages and animals crept around the perimeter. Now they could see a courtyard through the bars—and about a dozen guards slouching near the entrance.
    “One way in, one way out,” the warrior observed as the others huddled around her.
    “What if the sorceress is in there?” Emily whispered anxiously. For all they knew, their enemy could have returned to her lair, strengthened by the magic of Avalon.
    “Then we deal with her,” Adriane stated. The others looked at her expectantly, waiting for the warrior’s battle plan.
    “Direct assault is out,” Adriane said after a moment. “No fireworks. We go in under Dreamer’s mist. Emily hits the guards with a mind spell. Got it?”
    Emily’s anxiety was evident.
    “It’s okay.” Kara took her friend’s hand. “No one will know we’re even here.”
    The iron gates burst open, torn loose in a squealing crunch of twisted metal.
    Smoke poured from the gaping maw as yelling erupted inside.
    Adriane was instantly alert, jewel blazing.
    Kara and Emily stood beside her as magic coursed like lightning in the courtyard.
    Dreamer and Lyra leaped to position, ready to attack.
    “Stand your ground!” Adriane ordered.
    Through the haze, Buttercup stood in the middle of the scorched earth, grinning proudly. His body was crackling like a sparkler.
    “Or, we could go with Plan B,” the blazing star said wryly.
    “Blowduppup!” The creature bounded over to Emily.
    “How did you do that?” Emily asked, too startled to be angry.
    Dozens of tall lizard guards poured through the gate brandishing long jewel-tipped staffs. Sharp teeth bared, they charged.
    “Emily, take them out!” Adriane rushed forward, Dreamer and Lyra by her side.
    The warrior twisted into the air, fists blasting silver fire. Roaring in fury, mistwolf and cat tore into the creatures.
    Emily raised her jewel, blindly sending waves of magic into the fray. As much as she wanted to help, she felt unbalanced—and the spell had little effect.
    Adriane and Dreamer were a blur of motion, taking out dozens of guards before they could get any closer. But there were too many. A second line aimed their staffs and fired.
    Kara’s diamond magic collided with the oncoming barrage in a fireball of light.
    Gasping for breath, Emily wiped sweat from her eyes. This was no group of frivolous, partying magic users. These were seasoned troops of the Dark Sorceress. The familiar fear roiled inside. She was too weak to help her friends.
    Buttercup’s mismatched eyes met the healer’s, orange and purple bright with determination.
    “I can’t,” Emily protested.
    But it was the only way. The dark power was hers, if she chose to use it.
    Raising her jewel high, she reached for the magic rooted deep inside. Held steady by Buttercup, the shadow spell coiled from her gem like a serpent. Rippling through the air, the magic came swift and strong, striking the guards with the full force of her deepest, darkest fear. Shrieks of terror rang into the night as the guards dropped their weapons and scattered in all directions.
    Emily was still shaking when Adriane pulled her into the mist.
    “Easy.” Adriane gathered everyone under Dreamer’s invisible cloak. “You okay?”
    “I... don’t know how long it will hold,” Emily stammered.
    Kara smiled. “Looks like they’ll run all the way to Port Tuga.”
    “Shhh! The warrior led the group into the courtyard and up the steps to the iron-studded door of the keep. Ready to take on anyone waiting inside, she kicked it open.
    Her dark eyes scanned the cavernous foyer. “All clear.”
    Mages and bondeds made their way into a stone-walled antechamber. Marble pillars marked the way to the main chambers.
    They came to a stop in an enormous room gleaming with black marble floors. Red stained

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