Full Circle (Avalon: Web of Magic #12)

Full Circle (Avalon: Web of Magic #12) by Rachel Roberts

Book: Full Circle (Avalon: Web of Magic #12) by Rachel Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Roberts
healer’s soothing strokes.
    Buttercup poked his long nose into the supplies, sneezing prodigiously when the warrior tore open a package of zesty red seasoning.
    “Ak sauce,” she explained, pouring the powder into the broth and letting the noodles simmer.
    “Akarup.” Buttercup bounced excitedly as the aromatic spices wafted through the air.
    “All right, let’s have a look at you.” Adriane reached for the bizarre new member of the group.
    Startled, Buttercup leaped behind Emily and growled.
    Dreamer sat back on his haunches, tongue lolling in a wolf snicker. “What a noob. Good luck training him.”
    Lyra snorted, unimpressed.
    Emily stroked Buttercup’s long rounded head, speaking softly. “It’s all right. Adriane just wants to see how pretty you are.”
    Buttercup’s mismatched eyes brightened. An array of black and gold spikes suddenly sprang from his neck, fanning into a wide circle around his head. A huge grin stretched across his lips.
    “Whoa!” Kara exclaimed.
    Buttercup sauntered toward Adriane, allowing her to admire him properly.
    The warrior kneeled to examine his natural armor. “No scales, leathery skin.” She ran a hand over his thick muscled legs and lifted a paw to examine long yellowed claws extending from his three large toes. She inspected the webbing between his toes, shining gold in the firelight. “Built for swimming, too. You’re tough, aren’t you?”
    “We’ll get to the pedicure after dinner,” Kara announced, taking some special provisions out of Drake’s saddlebags.
    “You brought hot dogs?” Adriane exclaimed.
    Goldie flapped excitedly.
    “Organic veggie dogs from The Garden.” The blazing chef expertly speared several on a long stick and held the tasty morsels over the fire. “Goldie’s favorite.”
    In no time they were sizzling hot. Kara held the stick in front of their new friend. “Here, try one of these.”
    Buttercup took a sniff and scarfed up three dogs in one gulp, forked tongue licking his lips in delight.
    “HaaaatDogggg!” He bounced up and down.
    “Nuh uh,” she scolded. “Goldie’s turn.” She gave one to the mini dragon who chomped on it delicately.
    “Haaaaawwtdoggg!” Buttercup insisted.
    “I think your new friend is part pig,” Kara told Emily.
    Buttercup nodded emphatically as Kara gave in and handed him another one.
    A rude noise rumbled across the glade.
    “Steady there, Drake,” Adriane said, giving the boiling noodles a final stir. “Almost done.”
    The dragon’s golden eyes blinked in surprise. “ That wasn’t me.”
    “Then whose tummy was it?” Kara looked at Goldie, who shrugged.
    Dreamer sprang to attention, sniffing the air. “ Something smells familiar.”
    “Company,” Adriane confirmed, instantly connected to her packmate’s keen senses.
    Something was hiding in the darkness beyond the fire line. Something big. And it was moving toward them, sneaking steadily from tree to tree.
    Lyra growled, her emerald eyes scanning the forest.
    Adriane carefully lowered the cooking spoon and gave Dreamer a nod. The mistwolf sprang into the shadows and vanished, with Lyra right behind him.
    Holding her finger to her lips, the warrior signaled for Kara and Emily to take position by her side.
    Jewels pulsing red, silver, and blue, the trio stood listening to the faint scrape of wind against the trees.
    The silence was suddenly broken by ferocious roars followed by a sharp scream.
    Branches bent and snapped as a huge, black shape crashed into the clearing, tripped over a downed root and fell with a giant thump!
    A pair of big purple eyes widened at the sight of three mages wielding fearsome magic. Lyra and Dreamer stood on either side of this new intruder, their sharp teeth inches from his sleek, horse-like head.
    “Gwyx!” Adriane exclaimed, giving the all-clear signal to the others.
    The black dragon scrambled back, tried to stand, and fell over.
    Dreamer and Lyra eased

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