Grace's Forgiveness

Grace's Forgiveness by Molly Jebber

Book: Grace's Forgiveness by Molly Jebber Read Free Book Online
Authors: Molly Jebber
man. They don’t want to put up with her mamm.”
    Frowning, Grace lowered her voice. “Mark is a compassionate man. She’s like a wounded bird who needs saving.”
    Sarah marched in front of Grace and placed her hands on her friend’s shoulders. “You mustn’t dwell on Eve and Mark. He’s smitten with you. His eyes sparkle when you walk into the room.” She tapped Grace’s nose. “The man hangs on your every word.” She waved a dismissive hand. “Eve’s mamm is too late. She’ll have to find another man for her dochder to wed.”
    Grace circled her arm around Sarah’s waist. “What would I do without you? You put my fears to rest when I doubt myself. Danki.”
    “You do the same for me. We’re blessed to have each other.”
    Jonah’s mamm entered. “Good morning, Grace and Sarah. You two look as fresh as daisies. Grace, I noticed you talking to Jonah’s new friend, Mark, after the service Sunday. You two are the perfect picture of a happy couple.” Lydia Keim fluttered her eyelashes. “Don’t let him get away. Word has gotten around town Mark is available and a very ambitious young man to manage hay, garden, animals, and store. My neighbor, Mrs. Fisher, has her sights set on Mark for Eve’s husband. She hasn’t stopped talking about what a splendid match he would be for her dochder. You and he are a better match, in my opinion. Mark would find Mrs. Fisher a nuisance. Your mamm is a delightful woman.”
    Sarah blew a stray hair from her face. “I agree with you, Lydia.” She removed the price note from the quilt and penciled the sale in the journal. “This star pattern is one of my favorite quilts. I hope you’ll be pleased with it.”
    Grace held her tongue. She fought to not agree with Lydia. Her excitement about Mark was a private matter. Not one she wanted to discuss with anyone but her family and Sarah. Lydia meant well, but she had a wagging tongue. “Danki for your encouragement.” She wanted to change to the subject. “How’s Jonah?”
    Lydia removed the reticule off her wrist, dug into it, and pulled out coins. She pressed the money in Sarah’s palm. “Danki, Sarah.” She beamed. “Jonah’s fine. He carries the miniature wooden horse Mark gave him in his pocket. Last night, he put it on his bedside table.” She picked up her quilt. “I must be on my way. It’s been nice talking to you both.”
    Sarah opened a tin of pins. “I agree with Lydia. You and Mark do make the perfect picture couple, not Eve and Mark.”
    “We can speculate all we want, but we don’t have any idea what Mark’s thoughts are on Eve and her mamm. He is a man, nonetheless.” The door opened. Hester Harris had kumme at the perfect time. Grace didn’t want to talk about Mark and Eve anymore today.
    “I’ve missed you. It’s so good to see you.”
    Hester entered carrying a package. “I was in town and thought I’d stop in and pay you a visit.” She pushed her long, dark braid over her shoulder and adjusted her spectacles. “My neighbor is friends with Mrs. Watson. She told me you delivered the woman’s newborn and said the birth went without a hitch.” Her eyes twinkled. “As your midwife teacher, I’m proud of you.” She kissed her on the cheek.
    Sarah pinned a price note to a quilt and put it on the shelf. “Mrs. Watson’s dochder arrived earlier than she expected. She’d kumme to shop and spend time with her friend. I’m amazed every time she tells me about helping a mamm birth her boppli.”
    “Grace studied the books I lent her and did everything I requested. She was an excellent student.” She beamed. “I visited Becca Carrington in Massillon last week. She loves working as a nurse for her husband, Dr. Carrington. We reminisced about the two of you learning midwifery together. She asked if I’d bring you this gift.” She passed the package wrapped in a white cotton fabric held together with pink ribbon tied in a bow.
    “I miss her.” Grace untied the pink ribbon and peeled

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