Grey Eyes

Grey Eyes by Frank Christopher Busch Page A

Book: Grey Eyes by Frank Christopher Busch Read Free Book Online
Authors: Frank Christopher Busch
more of a challenge for her.”
    â€œWe are all very grateful for your visits.”
    â€œI will try to come more often.” Soaring Star Woman raised her hand and the turtle shell rattle rose up in the air, travelled across the lodge, and set down into her palm. She gave it to Little Grey Bear Boy.
    â€œMany in Nisichawayasihk need your attention, clan mother. We do not wish to be a burden.”
    â€œI am glad you understand,” said Soaring Star Woman. “It so happens I need your help with a rather delicate matter.”
    â€œOne of my granddaughters is having something of a dispute with a woman from another clan. I think it would be inappropriate for me to interfere in the matter, but she won’t give me a moment’s peace until it is settled. I told her I would bring it to you, as matriarch of the Bear clan, to resolve the matter.”
    â€œI see…” said Walking Moon Woman. Arbitrating a dispute between two willing parties was one matter. Resolving a disagreement involving the Eagle twins was something else entirely.
    â€œYou have concerns?” asked Soaring Star Woman.
    â€œWell…” she paused.
    â€œI know my granddaughters can be difficult and I know I am asking a lot. However, I have made it very clear to them that this is a matter for the Bear clan.”
    â€œI will do what you ask,” said Walking Moon Woman. “It has been quite some time since anyone has asked for our help in this way. I sometimes worry we no longer have the respect of the people.”
    â€œThings change, my girl. Your grandson’s arrival has made many people rethink their opinions. It’s true you are the smallest clan in Nisichawayasihk and you do not have any girls, but that does not diminish your clan’s task.”
    â€œ Tapwe , my mother.”
    â€œMy granddaughters will come visit you. Show them the Bear clan’s healing ways. Do not give them any special treatment or allow them to intimidate you in any way.”
    â€œ Tapwe ,” nodded Walking Moon Woman. With all the help the Eagle matriarch had given the Bear clan since the birth of Little Grey Bear Boy, it was impossible to refuse her any request.
    â€œWillow, he’s doing it again!” yelled Brown Shield Man. Whenever Little Grey Bear Boy noticed the fire, he would make it come alive. Dancing ropes of flame swirled around the Bear lodge.
    â€œWhere is his rattle?” called White Willow Woman.
    â€œMy mint tea!” laughed Painted Turtle Man, as he jumped up to snuff the flames on a bundle of dried tea leaves hanging from the lodge poles. “We will need to search out larger rocks for the fire pit as soon as the snows melt.”
    â€œ Tapwe !” agreed Blue Elk Man and Brown Shield Man together.
    â€œWhen is Soaring Star Woman coming to visit?” asked Blue Elk Man. Only the Grey-Eyed matriarch seemed to be able to contain the child’s magic.
    â€œNot tonight,” answered Walking Moon Woman. “I thought he would be tired from attending the ceremony today. What was it about this time?”
    â€œIt was an induction ceremony for a young warrior of the Deer clan,” said Painted Turtle Man.
    â€œWhy did they want a baby at an induction ceremony?” asked Singing Doe.
    â€œIt seems no one can do anything these days without our baby being there,” grumbled Blue Elk Man.
    â€œYou didn’t seem to mind when the Marten clan gave you new snowshoes for attending their memorial,” laughed Brown Shield Man.
    â€œThat was different,” said Blue Elk Man. “I am Marten, I would have attended anyway. Besides, everyone knows the Marten clan is generous.” The others laughed.
    â€œThe Deer clan was generous today as well husband,” said White Willow Woman. “They gave us six arrows and a bag of pemmican.”
    â€œI could use some new arrows…” said Brown Shield Man, raising an eyebrow to

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