Grey Eyes

Grey Eyes by Frank Christopher Busch

Book: Grey Eyes by Frank Christopher Busch Read Free Book Online
Authors: Frank Christopher Busch
should go with my husband then,” suggested White Willow Woman, pinching Blue Elk Man playfully.
    â€œ Awas !” said Walking Moon Woman. “I want my baby grandson near me.”
    â€œThen I better get going,” said Blue Elk Man, eager to leave before Walking Moon Woman’s teasing turned on him. He gave his son another kiss and nodded at Painted Turtle Man as he left.
    â€œHunt well, nephew,” said the old man.
    The winter months were much easier to bear this year than those recently past. Blue Elk Man took a bull moose, one of the largest that had ever given itself to him. Brown Shield Man and Singing Doe had not had any such luck on their hunt, though the trip turned out not to be a total loss: Singing Doe was pregnant. The Bear Clan was starting to grow and the addition of children inspired the family to do better and try harder in all of their endeavours. The hunting was usually good and Singing Doe’s sewing and quillwork were attracting attention in the village.
    â€œI really hope this one’s a girl,” said Singing Doe, examining her growing belly.
    â€œI’ll be happy with any child who chooses us,” said Brown Shield Man.
    â€œI’ll pray for you at the ceremony tonight,” said Painted Turtle Man. “I may not be back for some time. I’ll try not to wake him when I return.”
    â€œBe careful what you wish for,” said White Willow Woman, pacing the lodge with Little Grey Bear Boy in her arms. “Baby won’t let me leave and I really need to pee! I can’t wait any longer.”
    â€œI feel sorry for you my girl,” laughed Painted Turtle Man. “I’m afraid no one remembers what it was like to have a Grey-Eyed baby.”
    â€œThat’s not entirely true,” said Walking Moon Woman. Painted Turtle Man frowned and began to gather his things to leave.
    â€œWhat do you mean?” asked White Willow Woman, still pacing the lodge with her too-big-to-carry boy. Painted Turtle Man cleared his throat and gave Walking Moon Woman a quick scowl as he left.
    â€œI wish I could help,” said Blue Elk Man.
    â€œYeah, me too,” chuckled Brown Shield Man.
    â€œDon’t you two have some work to do?” shouted Walking Moon Woman. “You men get out of here. Soaring Star Woman is coming to visit.”
    â€œI am going to go too,” said Singing Doe, grabbing a pair of mukluks she had made as she left with the men.
    â€œWhat did you mean, mother?” pressed White Willow Woman.
    â€œNever mind,” answered Walking Moon Woman. “Soaring Star will be here any moment.”
    â€œI hope she hurries,” exclaimed White Willow Woman, now bouncing from foot to foot to the great amusement of Little Grey Bear Boy.
    â€œ Tansi ?” came a familiar voice from outside. Walking Moon Woman met the Eagle matriarch at the doorway and welcomed her in. White Willow Woman could wait no longer: she ran up to Soaring Star Woman and quickly handed her the child.
    â€œ Tansi, Nookum ,” she almost yelled. “May the Grandmother Bear bless you with her healing gifts!” The young mother ran off to answer the call of nature. Little Grey Bear Boy was about to start crying when his grey eyes met those of the Eagle matriarch. The air vibrated as the old woman’s magic filled the lodge, calming him.
    â€œ Tansi, baby,” she said as she lowered him to his feet and helped him toddle back into the lodge. “May the Grandmother Eagle bless this lodge with her far-seeing eye.”
    â€œI am very sorry for my daughter’s rude behaviour,” said Walking Moon Woman. “She hasn’t been able to be without the boy.”
    â€œI understand,” laughed Soaring Star Woman. “I couldn’t go very far either. When I really had to, I would use the magic to make him sleep for a moment so I could at least get out to take care of those matters. I can see where this is

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