Heart Ache (Bound by a Touch Novels #1)

Heart Ache (Bound by a Touch Novels #1) by Morgan Kearns

Book: Heart Ache (Bound by a Touch Novels #1) by Morgan Kearns Read Free Book Online
Authors: Morgan Kearns
through two hundred years feeling guilty as hell for failing her.
    He pressed his lips to the cold metal. The idea of connecting his mamei and his heartmate felt right. Perfect.
    Niko stood, slipped the ring into his pocket and returned the box to the safe. He offered his mother’s portrait another smile and grabbed his jacket before heading to the garage.
    Three cars were housed here; a Model T that he’d watched roll off the assembly line in 1927, a 1955 Ford Thunderbird convertible—red with a white ragtop, of course—and a new Shelby Mustang, black. He had a thing for Fords. He supposed it was the undying loyalty Gustav accused him of.
    Henry had been very good to Nikolai. The male had been like a father to him. Nikolai would have been thrilled to call the man tata . He’d been a better male than his sire ever was. The years working as an apprentice to Mr. Ford had afforded Niko his business sense.
    He slid behind the wheel of the Mustang and smiled when the engine roared to life. Some cars purred, some roared, and tonight Niko wanted a car that growled. With a press of the pedal, he shot off into the night. He had one stop to make first.
    The tiny bell rang as Nikolai strode through the door of Flowers by Flo . The scent of flowers overwhelmed his senses and he loved the variety of colors amongst the petals.
    “ Mr. Voinea” Flo sighed when she came out of the back room. Her age-spotted hand smoothed the loose strands toward the bun that had once held them tight. “What brings you by?”
    He took the elderly woman’s hand in his and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. “I came to see you, my lovely.”
    She giggled and blushed from lacy white collar to gray hair, her wrinkled cheeks flooding crimson. With a hand on her heart, she went behind the counter, putting space between them.
    “ Such a flatterer you are.”
    He shrugged and smiled at her which sent her heart into overdrive. “I try. I need something simple.”
    She hurried to the cooler and began pulling single plumes from their buckets. “An amaryllis for splendid beauty, asters for love and patience, forget-me-nots equal true love.” Her voice rose nearly an octave as her excitement boiled.
    “ Perfect.”
    “ I’m going to add a gerbera daisy. They mean happiness and I’ve yet to find a woman who doesn’t smile when she sees one. You definitely need one of these—it’s an ipomoea and they declare that you belong to her.”
    “ You have no idea how right you are about that. What about those?” He pointed to a bucket filled with bright yellow flowers with vivid green stems.
    “ Oh no, dear. Those are daffodils, they mean unreciprocated love.”
    He jerked his hand back. “You’re right, no daffodils for this bunch.”
    “ We’ll add a lavender rose for love at first sight and a bit of baby’s breath for innocence.” She held the bunch out for his inspection. He couldn’t believe he was going to propose to Gabby and the reality of the situation crashed down around him. She frowned. “Is there something you don’t like?”
    “ No, it’s perfect.”
    Her aged hands wrapped green paper around the flowers. “There you go, dear,” she said, handing him the bunch. “And don’t forget a card.”
    “ There’s no card needed. I’m delivering these myself.” There was no way that bastard fiancé of Gabby’s was going to take credit this time.
    Following him toward the door, Flo grabbed his arm. “I almost forgot to ask, did she like the bouquet we sent over last week?”
    He grimaced. “Yes, very much.”
    “ Good, good.” She smiled, her eyes glittering.
    “ Thank you, Flo. Good night.”
    The night was cool, comfortable, but Niko hurried to his car anyway. It was nearing 8:00 and he wanted to get to Gabby’s and become the man she would marry before the clock could ring out 8:15. This night was going to be perfect.
    Gabby’s building came into view and Nikolai pulled into a parking space. He grabbed the flowers and all but

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