Heart Ties (Club Ties Book 2)

Heart Ties (Club Ties Book 2) by Em Petrova

Book: Heart Ties (Club Ties Book 2) by Em Petrova Read Free Book Online
Authors: Em Petrova
Tags: Contemporary Romance
Wrench’s asses.” The plan unfolded in his mind. He could do this. Delta would be in pinned under him by morning.
    Strother got up and rounded the pool table to reach them. “Ace and I are setting up a sting. We’re taking some of our own valium and putting it within the Raiders’ reach.”
    Jamison nodded. “Good plan. See the flow of the river before we make our move.”
    “Yeah.” Strother glanced between the group of men surrounding Jamison. “You have anything you need to discuss with me?”
    Jamison pushed his chair back and stretched as if he didn’t have a care in the world. “Nah. We were just talking about Bunky’s new tat and how the police chief wants a piece of Morgan.”
    Strother raised a brow. “Oh? Set that up then. Can’t hurt to have more of an in with the cops.”
    As Strother made his way back through the room to wrap his arm around a sweet butt of his own, Jamison muttered, “Asshole. His old lady would cut off his balls if she knew.”
    “I wouldn’t be surprised if one of the ladies lets it slip,” Bunky said.
    Drake stood too. His leg was getting stiff sitting for so long. “Round up Kipi and Wrench. We have work to do.”
    Windows trembled and the walls shook as the boom echoed through the club. Delta dropped to her knees, her hands over her head. Panic spread rapid-fire through her chest. Around her, the guys erupted. Launching to their feet, running for guns, hollering for the ladies to get into the back room.
    Drake was here.
    She jumped up and patted her front pockets, which were still empty. She hadn’t had time to take anything from her room, but Drake had just done a hell of a job of making his presence known.
    “Hell’s Sons!” someone bellowed, and men stormed out into the night.
    Delta froze, unable to move a muscle. She couldn’t leave. This was all she knew, and what if Drake kicked her to the curb?
    Even if he did, she’d have a place with Ever.
    Her muscles unlocked and she took off running. Through the kitchen and out the back door. The moon wasn’t concealed behind clouds tonight, and she looked up at the ladder along the side of the building in time to see a dark form barreling down at her.
    She jumped back. That muscular man could only be Drake. He kicked off the rungs, propelling himself downward and catching the ladder several rungs below. When his boots hit the ground beside her, she gave him her hand, and they ran.
    Skirting around the building. Raiders running toward the beautiful flames shooting into the sky. A shot over her head, and glass exploded from a security camera. The parking lot was on fire, and several Raiders were rushing to save their bikes. Shouts filled the night.
    Drake towed her to a corner against the fence. “Get down and get through.”
    She didn’t have time to do anything but obey. She curled up tight and rolled through the gate. How he fit was a mystery, but a second later he popped out. He gathered his feet under him and they were off again.
    Her heart hammered. She clutched Drake’s fingers, and he squeezed back.
    It was enough.
    He picked her up and practically threw her over the concrete block wall. She landed on one knee, pain ricocheting into her thigh. She bit back a cry, and then Drake was there, hauling her up.
    She limped the first few steps.
    “Damn, you okay?” His gritty tone grounded her.
    “Yes.” Ignoring the pain, she kept pace with him. If he could run on a titanium foot, she could suck up a little bruise.
    Sirens were nearing, and they ducked into the alley before the flashing lights reached across the pavement and pointed fingers at them. They were running from an explosion and both wearing all black.
    Before they lost sight of the MC, Delta threw a look over her shoulder. Remorse flooded her. What had she done?
    “Come on. My bike’s not far.”
    Her resolve restored, she followed Drake. He’d cared enough to blow something up for her. He’d risked himself and some of his men to save

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