Outlaw Derek

Outlaw Derek by Kay Hooper

Book: Outlaw Derek by Kay Hooper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kay Hooper
there, they found the door forced and the place empty. No sign of violence other than the door; they were looking for people, not things.”
    Josh frowned. “Two men. Then Derek wasn’t there when they broke in.”
    Raven sighed. “He always has pretty good street connections wherever he is. And he told me he expected them to find him just because he was a
danger. If he was warned in time, then he’s taken Shannon and gone to ground somewhere.”
    “Any ideas where?”
    Her smile was crooked. “I think I told you once that all of us secret agent types had a specialty? Well, Derek’s is the ability to disappear—thoroughly. I told him we’d help if he needed a safe house, but I’m willing to bet he has half adozen of his own scattered around Richmond … just in case.”
    Josh looked at her for a moment, then asked politely, “Just who
    She grinned. “You caught that, huh?”
    “A number of safe houses,” Josh said, “even if only broom closets, tend to run into money. How does he manage on a government salary?”
    “He doesn’t,” she replied, smiling. “A few years ago, I found out quite by accident who Derek is—and why Hagen never ordered him around like the rest of us peons.”
    “I was wondering about that too,” Josh confessed.
    “It’s crystal clear once you know the facts. Derek, the black sheep of his family, is also the heir. And you, being a man of business, surely know the Ross-Garrett Corporation?”
    After a moment, Josh grimaced faintly. “What was that he said to me during that little caper with Kelsey about it being nice to have clout? He should know, dammit.”
    “Understated, that’s Derek.”
    Reflectively, Josh said, “I’m glad now that I decided against a takeover bid of Ross-Garrett. I have a feeling it wouldn’t be smart to back Derek into a corner.”
    “Not if you value your throat,” Raven murmured.
    “He goes straight for the jugular, eh?” Josh looked at her with a gleam in his eyes. “Who would you put money on, darling?”
    She returned the look with a faint smile. “Don’t bite me, but when it comes to Ross-Garrett, I’d back Derek. His grandfather built that company, and even though Derek doesn’t have much to do with the running of it, he’d die a bloody death before giving it up to anyone.”
    Josh whistled softly. “Like that, is it? Then I’d say a man with those kinds of instincts can take care of himself.”
    “I know.” She sighed again. “And he can take care of Shannon. But he’s involved this time, and it’s a first for him.”
    “Happened fast,” Josh noted.
    “You should understand that, darling.”
    He grinned at her. “I seem to recall.” He leaned over to kiss her, and then straightened and looked back over his shoulder as Zach came into the living room of the suite.
    “Am I interrupting again?” the big security chief asked.
    Raven leaned sideways to peer around Josh. “No more than usual,” she told him gently. “We’re getting used to it.”
    Zach smiled at her, then reached over the back of the couch for a set of rolled-up blueprints. “The engineer on that Kansas City job is confused about the security system,” he told his friend and employer. “I’ve got him on the phone. Are you two going out for lunch?”
    Josh glanced at his wife, then said, “No. Room service.”
    Zach relaxed almost imperceptibly. He half saluted them with the blueprints, then vanished into his own room.
    “He still doesn’t look like himself,” Raven said softly.
    “He took it as hard as Teddy did,” Josh agreed quietly. “And losing the baby was bad enough—almost losing Teddy scared the hell out of him.” He frowned. “I wish he’d stayed with her in Boston. I know she’s recovered now and wanted him here with us while she’s resting at her sister’s place, but—”
    “But,” Raven finished gently, “the threats against you are a more deadly danger at the moment. If Teddy had needed Zach,

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