Heroes Never Die

Heroes Never Die by Lois Sanders Page A

Book: Heroes Never Die by Lois Sanders Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lois Sanders
Barry questioned.
    “He has a fascination with beautiful women.”
    Barry chuckled.  “A man after my own heart.”
    “They say that if you look long enough, you can find the good in any man.”  Kyle was pleased to hear Barry laugh.  The morning had been long and difficult, and the humor helped to relieve the pressing matter at hand.
    “I’m turning this job over to you, Kyle.  Pat wants the assassination carried out as soon as possible.  Let me know if I can be of help, but I have to tell you, I have no idea how to get past Hamid’s guards.  Hell, as far as I’m concerned, the job is impossible.”
    “Not impossible,” Kyle replied with cool confidence.  “Just a challenge.”
    “You have any ideas?”
    Crushing his enemy was what Kyle did best.  His sharp mind was storming with ideas.  “A few.  I’ll have a draft on your desk first thing in the morning.”
    “Excellent,” Barry remarked, obviously delighted.  “By the way, Pat remembered meeting you at the Presidential Ball.  He was very impressed with you.  I would say a sizable promotion is in good order if your plan succeeds.  Pat indicated an appointment to his staff.”
    “Thank you, sir.”  Then Kyle returned to his own office, anxious to begin the draft.
    Kyle leaned back in his chair with his arms folded behind his head to scheme the operation.  His plan was so easy he wanted to laugh.  Then he unlocked the drawer to his desk and carefully pulled out a framed picture of Stephanie.  He looked into her beautiful face and smiled triumphantly.  You made a big mistake when you married good ole Brian.  He gave her picture one last glance, and then he picked up his pen and went to work.  Finally, the time was ripe and in his control.
    Chapter Nine:
    It was a frigid November morning as Brian prepared to go to work.  He took a final sip of hot coffee and bundled up in his coat.  “I don’t want to go out in this freezing cold.  I’d rather stay home in bed and be warm with you.”
    Stephanie threw her arms around his neck.  “Then stay home and play hooky with me.”
    “Don’t tempt me,” he playfully scolded.  “But I will try to come home early.  Just keep the bed warm.”  Brian squeezed her tight and kissed her.  “Any special plans for the day?”
    “Yes, today I’m beginning my official job search.”  She noticed a look of disapproval flash across his face.
    “Stephanie, we’ve talked about this.  You know I’m anxious to start a family.”
    “Yes,” she said as she dropped her arms from around his neck.  “And my answer is the same.  I want to find a job while my skills are still fresh.  Besides, no one will hire me if I’m pregnant.”
    “I don’t want to stand in your way, Stephanie, but I don’t want you to take a job that will tear us apart, either.”
    “Brian,” she assured him.  “If you’re afraid that I’ll get a job as a foreign correspondent, I don’t have enough experience.  I’ll be lucky to get a job as a copy editor.  Besides, all of my goals changed when I met you.  I don’t want to be stationed in a foreign country anymore.  I want to be with you.”
    “That’s what I like to hear,” he grinned as he pulled her into his arms.  “Now come here and kiss me like you mean it.”  Stephanie put her arms around his neck and pressed his mouth with an affectionate kiss.  “I love you, Stephanie.  See you tonight.”
    “I love you, too.”  Stephanie walked him to the door and as Brian stepped outside into the blistering cold, the icy air smacked her in the face.  “Give Dad my love,” she called after him.  She quickly closed the door and locked it.  “Brrr,” her voice shook.  Then she watched him drive away.  I miss you already, Brian.
    Stephanie poured herself another cup of coffee, and then she went to the dining room and sat down at the table to begin her job search.  She spread a newspaper on the table and turned to the classifieds, circling

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