Heroes Never Die

Heroes Never Die by Lois Sanders Page B

Book: Heroes Never Die by Lois Sanders Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lois Sanders
the jobs she found appealing.  She began to draft cover letters to match the description of the jobs she wanted, when suddenly she heard a key turning the lock on the door and her skin flushed with nervous heat.  It was too early for Brian.  Then she heard the door open.
    “Stephanie,” Brian called.
    Stephanie puffed a sigh of relief.  Thank, God, it’s Brian.  She jumped up from her chair and headed toward the door to greet him.  Then she wondered, why is he home so early?
    Her steps came to a sudden halt when she saw the pain in his eyes.  She stared at his troubled expression, her own anxiety building, and she knew at once that her worst nightmare had come true.  She frantically searched his face for proof that she was wrong, but his grave countenance only convinced her all the more.
    “Tell me you don’t have orders,” her voice trembled.  Brian tried to speak, but his words wouldn’t come.  “Tell me,” she demanded as tears began to cloud her eyes.
    Brian swallowed hard.  “Your Dad and I received orders for Turkey.  We’re being deployed for fifteen months.  We leave in three days.”
    Stephanie’s face filled with horror.  This couldn’t be happening.  “No!” she screamed.  “I won’t let you go!”  Brian opened his arms, and she threw herself into them.  He squeezed her with all of his might, and she buried her head in his chest and cried uncontrollably, drenching him with tears.
    The next morning, Stephanie was numb from trying to deal with the shock of losing Brian and her dad in only three days.  She stood motionless in the living room and stared at their wedding picture that rested upon the stone mantel.  They both looked so happy, their love so full of promise, their dreams fresh and alive and burning to come true.  All it had taken was a single moment in time to completely shatter their lives.  As she looked into their smiling faces, she remembered all of the times Brian had said he would never leave her and all of the times she had believed him when he sealed the promise with a kiss.  Then she began to think about the increasing number of war fatalities.  Death was rudely trying to reach into her comfortable life to snatch away the men she loved.  Disturbing thoughts raced through her mind.  What if Brian dies?  What if Dad dies?  What if I lose them forever?  As she continued to dwell on the unthinkable, fear and resentment began to build.  She hadn’t asked for this war.  Someone else could go.  Why does it have to be the men I love?
    Brian walked up behind her and put his arms snugly around her waist.  “Hands off,” she ordered as she pushed his arms from her.  She spun around and faced him.
    Brian’s eyes widened.  “Something I did?”
    “You know darn well what you did,” she accused.
    “I give up.  Enlighten me.”
    “Don’t you think it’s awfully peculiar that you and Dad received orders at the same time?  You act like nothing is wrong, like you don’t even care about leaving me.”
    “I already asked that question when I received my orders.  The demand for doctors is critical.  You know that, Stephanie.  And I couldn’t foresee this war.  Even if I had, I have no control over it.  You knew the risk when you married me.”
    “I didn’t plan on this war, either,” she argued.  “You feel more of an obligation to your country than you do to your own wife.”
    “My priorities are in good order, but I’m beginning to wonder about yours.  A lot of men are dying simply because they lack proper medical attention.  My job is to save as many men as possible so they can come back home to the families who love them, and if you have a problem with that, then you’re a selfish, spoiled brat.”
    Stephanie’s skin burned with anger.  If losing the only family she had was selfish, then he could go straight to hell.  “I’m tired of this war, and I’m tired of being an Army wife.  So don’t expect me to sit around and wait

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