Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan
    domestic tours of, 136, 621–22
    education rescript of, 30–31, 32
    emperor worship and, 31
    grandchildren of, 24–25
    Hirohito’s childhood and, 22–23
    holiday in honor of, 133, 181–82
    ideology of rule as legacy of, 28–30
    Imperial Palace of, 26–27
    Korea crisis and, 131–32
    Mikami’s lectures on, 131–33
    military empowered by, 29, 34, 55–56
    military training of, 89
    Meiji, emperor of Japan (Meiji Restoration):
    as model monarch, 80, 129
    national identity and, 27
    oath rituals and, 64, 560–61
    party politics and, 28–29
    personality and public persona of, 35–36, 80, 131–33
    religious awareness and, 29, 30
    Russo-Japanese War and, 9
    Shiratori’s description of, 75
    stereotyped as “the Great,” 131
    Yi Un guardianship and, 35
    â€œMeiji Centennial,” 671
    Meiji constitution, 39, 40, 54–55, 57, 66, 121, 131, 184, 226, 255, 296, 308, 442, 517, 518, 560, 563, 648, 668, 675
    anti-organ theory campaign and, 287–89, 291
    Article 1 of, 171
    Article 3 of, 291
    Article 4 of, 295
    Article 8 of, 300
    continued influence of, 576–77
    and divinity of emperor, 6–7, 291–92
    extraconstitutional bodies and, 78–79
    Hirohito’s view of, 294–95
    independence of supreme command in, 154
    kokutai and, 292–94
    and mutiny of 1936, 302–3
    organ theory and, 77, 80
    rule theory and, 77
    Shimizu on interpretation of, 77–79
    Shwa monarchy’s subversion of, 202
    state-monarchy relationship and, 78–79
    Meiji Palace, 212
    Meiji tenn-ki (Chronicles of Emperor Meiji), 76
    Mei Ju-ao, 594
    Metropolitan Police, 252, 297, 655
    Miao Ping, 492–93
    Michiko, Empress of Japan, 661–62, 664
    Midway, Battle of, 447, 449, 453, 454, 457, 461, 464, 677
    Mikami Sanji, 130, 131–32, 134, 160
    Mikasa, Prince, 21, 282, 605
    abdication urged by, 571–72
    China mission of, 474
    criticism of, 642–43
    Miki Takeo, 673
    military, militarism, 8, 150, 178, 207, 208–9, 228–30, 302, 306, 311, 519, 545, 549, 569
    in attempted coups of 1931, 243–44, 284–85
    bushid , code of, 34, 51–52
    in Chang assassination, 207, 215–16, 220
    collapse of, 539
    decisive battle doctrine of, 205–6
    democratic institutions and, 13–14
    diplomacy conducted by, 286–87
    domestic unrest and, 52–53
    dual mission of, 55–56
    emperor ideology and, 34, 374
    â€œemperor’s army” concept and, 154
    European model and, 55
    factional conflict in, 154–55, 157, 224–25, 243–44, 279, 295–96, 298, 299–300
    Geneva Conventions opposed by, 207
    German alliance issue and, 368–71
    government’s relationship with, 33–34
    and Hirohito as supreme commander, 278, 327, 329–31, 359, 387, 390–91, 398–99, 422–23, 519–20, 553
    Hirohito as viewed by, 165–66, 283–84, 314
    Hirohito’s discipline problem with, 15–16, 245, 247, 252, 351–52
    and Hirohito’s establishment of Imperial Headquarters, 327–32
    Hirohito’s relationship with, 235–40, 242, 243, 244, 245, 247, 248, 278, 303, 304, 305–6, 549
    independence of, 33–34
    Jehal Province campaign and, 257–60
    Kellogg-Briand Pact and, 221–22
    kokutai clarification movement and, 288–89, 296
    Manchurian Incident and, 235–40, 242, 243, 244, 245, 247, 248
    Marco Polo Bridge incident and, 317–18
    Meiji empowerment of, 29, 34, 55–56
    and middle school education, 156
    modernization and reorganization of, 152–53
    in morale and discipline crisis, 152–53, 157
    and mutiny of 1936, see mutiny of February 1936
    Nakamura incident and, 228–29
    national defense debate and, 205–6, 208
    nationalism and, 105, 203
    â€œnever surrender” doctrine of, 251–52, 281
    North China problem and, 286–87
    privileged status of, 172
    propaganda campaign of, 273–78
    regionalism and, 51–52
    and rise of

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